Chapter 1

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I wake up to begin the same boring routine I had done a thousand times before. Wake up, take a shower, brush your teeth, get dressed, make your bed, fix your hair, and head downstairs for breakfast. The same thing I had done everyday for the last two years.

High school had gone differently for me. It wasn't all fun and games and love and loses, it was books and brains and loneliness and fear. I roamed the halls trying to avoid those stupid girls that had hurt me all too many times before. Thankfully, I was out on summer break and then one more year of torture, then I'm gone for good.

I run into my sanctuary, the only place I didn't have to live in fear from. The moment I walk through the doors, I smell the familiar scent of old paper and coffee and feel the warm embrace of worlds undiscovered waiting for me. I open my eyes to see the one thing that can always break my pain, remove the memories, even if only for a short time, the sign that read new arrivals

I run over as fast as my little legs can take me. Book, after book, after book, I look for that feeling you get right before you open the cover and hear the spine move under the pressure, the feeling that your world will be changed by some words on a page. I run my hand along the multiple colored spines, noticing the different sizes and shapes. I was there. I was finally at the place that takes all my fears away and replaces with wonder and curiosity.

I hear a tussle and look over the towering shelf, and I see him. The boy I dream of. The boy that always plays my prince charming. His grandmother, the librarian, tells him all about the way it feels to find the book that forever changes your life. She was telling a story, a story about a book that lead her to his grandfather. He waves it off like he had heard the story a thousand times before. He explains that he has to finish putting up the new books so he could go home to help take care of his mother.

I finally break out of my trance realizing he was heading towards me. I take off to another section until I hear him holler to his grandmother that he loves her and will be back later to pick her up.

Once he's out the door I slowly make my way back towards the books I had been looking at earlier. I was almost there, when something happened. My name was yelled out towards my direction.

"Now, Shae," this mysterious voice was yelling, "it's not nice to listen in on other people's conversations without their permission." I peek my head out around the corner.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Marie. It's just that story you were telling, it was entrancing. " She seemed to chuckle, to laugh ever so slightly.

"Now, I believe my story is interesting, but not as much as the story between you and my grandson." I'm still confused to this day if she thought we liked each other, or would even end up together, but it seemed she knew something. I just wish I had had the guts to ask her what she had meant that day, because I never got the chance.

Words Unravelled Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora