Chapter 6

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I went home and cried for an hour. My mother had asked me what was wrong bit I wouldn't tell her. I never told her the real reason Grey and I no longer were friends. I told her some lame excuse that we just grew apart when he got a girlfriend and that he disagrees with my reading. I still don't understand how that worked because his family owned the town's library, but Mom didn't question further so I was okay with my lie. My family stayed close to the Maries, but they never pushed for Grey and I to make up. Whenever we visited each other's families, I stayed on the couch reading not talking to anyone. The parents never pushed me to be social and for that I was grateful. I just wished I knew what Grey thought of me when I sat and read.

I stay in my room for the rest of the night crying into my pillow. Everytime I calmed myself down, I would think of that awful memory and start to cry again. It hurt so badly to know that the boy I loved was the cause of the destruction of my life.

I guess at some point during the night I had seemingly fallen asleep because I woke up but I definitely didn't feel refreshed. I look over at my clock and notice that the time read 7:30, half an hour before I had to be at the library. I don't think I can face Grey at this point. It's still a fresh wound. I reach over for my phone and notice I had 3 missed calls and 20 texts. That was certainly very new for me. I do a quick scroll through and notice it was all from Grey. How did he get my number? Did he keep it all these years?

I jump as my phone rings loudly. I quickly notice it was Grey. I slide my finger across the screen cautiously and say hello. I immediately catch the scratchiness of my throat from crying last night.

"Oh my goodness!! Thank you Lord!! Shae, you made me so nervous!! You never answered any of my texts or calls. I wanted to make sure you were okay. You sort of just ran out last night. I was wondering if we were still going to meet up this morning to read?" I was confused and couldn't get a word in.

"I thought you didn't want to keep reading the books, plus I'm not feeling very well so I have to take a sick day. I'm sorry. Goodbye Grey."

I hang up before he has the chance to say anything. I really didn't need this today. I roll out of my bed and head to my bathroom. I look in my mirror and jump in horror. My face is puffy, my eyes are bloodshot and swollen, my hair is in a rat's nest. It couldn't be worse. I'm glad my family went on a trip for the day otherwise I may have scared them off.

I'm about to begin to brush my hair, when the doorbell goes off. I mumble a quick string of unpleasant words as I head downstairs. I reach the door and don't bother looking through the peephole before pulling the door open and let's just say that was a mistake on my part. Standing in front of me with flowers and a can of soup in his hand is Grey Marie. My eyes widen with shock.

"Listen Shae, I know this isn't the best time, but I feel as though we are still friends and I think since you're not feeling well and our parents are out of town, I'm going to take care of you."

I stand frozen for a second processing what he just said. When I finally understand, I slam the down closed with a slight shriek and ran back towards my bedroom, only for the door to open and me to crash on my face. Everything goes blurry and I hear my name being called. Stupid clumsiness. I suddenly feel myself being pulled into a fragile state then everything goes black.

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