Chapter 6

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Im baaaack (:



On last year's chapter,  you were left hanging on what happened to me right? Because the last thing you and I knew was that everything went black. Why? Why of because of that damn camaro. Sweet Jesus. That has been the best day of my life.  Lets continue with what we left off.

I saw a camaro coming towards me. Like I said, I felt nothing. I opened my eyes as I was shocked and felt tingly all over. I looked at the hand that was grabbing my waist and then at the car. The car seemed to be frozen or something. It had stopped just in front of me as it was just about to hit me. Wow. I look at the person holding me.

Sweet Jesus. No wonder I was tingly. He's smoking hot! That jawline so sharp it can cut you and you wouldnt mind licking your blood off him. Those lips so plump it makes you want to kiss them until they're swollen red. That sexy hair that makes you want to hold on to it as you ride him harshly. Oops please mind my perverted thoughts. A girl has her needs you know. Okay let me cool down a bit before I burst my ovaries embarassingly in front of a hot guy.

Anyway, those bright red eyes looking at the car so intense it can melt the car with his hotness. Wait. Red? I gasp and he seems to snap out of it and the car continues moving. I'm about to scream again because of the car but the hot guy moves me quickly.  Oh my god. Is he just like One Direction? A vampire?

The angel from above looks at me with his then red eyes now blue. Oh my god I'm about to jump on him right now and fuck him. Im not kidding. If you saw the smothering look he is giving me now, your panties would be at your knees right now as you reach for his belt and about to rip it off and shove that- uhm. Let's save that scene for later now shall we? Haha.

"Who are you?" He just looks at me without letting go amd keeps on looking at me with that smirk. Sweet baby Jesus I've had it. I was about to say a perverted comment and jump on him but thankfully someone said my name. I turn around and I see Louis running to me. I mean he would do his vampire speed thing but we're in public. Wait. Why the hell did he scream. He's famous!!!

I felt Mr. Sexy Pants chuckle and I tingled once again. Oh lord help me now.  I was turn around but he's not there anymore. Aw man. He left! Damn you Louis. I slump down to a nearby chair that came from nowhere and put my head in my knees and take a deep breathe.

Louis catches up to me and holds my shoulders. "Are you okay? What's wrong?" I stay silently and try to keep my breathe.  "Alex? Talk to me!" I let out a shaky breathe and look at him. I saw his face in fear and he really looks worried.

"Alex? Whats wrong." He repeats again. I shudder.

I finally let these words out, "I need to go. Take me home."

He panicks, "What why? Are you hurt?"

I nod my head and fist my hands tighly. I can't stop shaking. "Please...I.." I let out another shaky breathe. I come closer to him and whisper in his ear, "...My ovaries...." he just looks at me weirdly.

"They've been exploded. I'm wounded. Sexually frustrated. Take me home now!" I growl and he widens his eyes understanding what I've just said. He immediately turns red and quickly carries me.

I am not embarassed at all. Fucking sexy angel made me squirt right in public.

We manage to arrive back to where the other rude demons decided to make themselves at home.

"Louis..." I whisper to him. "Yes?" He responds.

I look at him tiredly and say, "I need new panties....I'm soaked."

Since everyone in this room are vampires, they heard what I said. Their heads immediately whip towards us and they start to cheer. "Woo did Louis finally get her wet?" Niall cheers.

Harry makes moaning noises as Zayn repeatedly groans the word yes over again. Liam his innocent self turns red from the ears.

I look at them dazily and shush them. "No boys. You're wrong. I met some other guy who is way hotter than you guys."

"WHAT!" They scream and I leave them there with their mouths open.

I chuckle at them and make my way to my room. "Help yourself to anything. Im going to change my wet panties cus woo I'm a hot mess."

I immediately hear scampering of feet and they try to run to my room too. "I'll help you!" I hear Harry say. I laugh in mockery and slam the door in their faces.

Sighing I walk to my dresser. Mm what color should I pick. Now that my black ones are dirty and turned to another color. Hmm. Ah! Pink! I take off my pants along with my panties and I'm left without any bottoms. Im about to put them on when I see a figure behind me through the mirror.

I gasp at what I see. That smirk. Oh my god. Here go another pair of panties.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2016 ⏰

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