Chapter 5

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// Louis //

"What the hell Louis?" I hear them all say. Well dang. Slowly I stand up turn and face them and give them a nervous smile. "Ha ha...he. Y-Yea?" They all looked pissed. Their red eyes turned yellow now. I really did it now. Way to go Louis, I think sarcastically.

Zayn went up to me and pushed me back. "What was all that mate!" I stayed quiet at Zayn's remark which angered the others too. "Louis, who exactly was she?" Liam asked me next. "Why did your eyes turn purple?" Harry asked me softly. They all started to close on me and I couldn't take it any more.

"Guys shut up for a second." I screamed over their voices. That got them to stop. I sighed and as I was about to respond I got stopped by Niall. "Her name is Alexandra." I rolled my eyes, "Nah really? That's what I said-"

He cuts in, "Hawk. Alexandra Hawk, 23, has three sisters named Clarissa, Amanda, and Samantha. Parents are Anthony and Tifanny Hawk. I saw it-" he pauses and narrowed his eyes at me, "and apparently you knew too. I saw her memories. She saw you. You saved her."

"What?" Sputtered Harry in surprise. "What do you mean she saw you?" Liam asked in disbelief. "Lou mate you know what happens if a human sees you like this. We'll get in deep shit." I look at him stupidly.

"Well excuse me daddy but who is the older one here? You don't tell me what to do." I say back sassily."Louis.." I hear Zayn call.

"Don't Louis me Zayn. I'm not the one who's with a human right now shut up already. I'm out of here."

I need to get away from them. I have to get away from their disappointed stares. It's not my fault. I can't help it. Suddenly I stop and almost face palm to the ground.

What is that? It smells sweet. I look straight ahead and see where the delicious scent is coming from. My face goes paler than it already is.

Oh my god. Right in front of me is a trail of blood heading my way, coming from the middle of the street.


// Alex //

Ugh. Stupid Louis. Stupid Harry. Niall, Liam and Zayn. This day has gotten worse. My freaking phone died and I cant find the damn charger. I keep searching around my room and throw the pillows and clothes on the ground. I'll just have to buy another one.

Right as I am about to walk out my room I see my charger floating in the living room. What the hell? "Oi you stupid direction kids is this a prank of yours? I'm not falling for it.

No one answers so I walk to the charger. How is it magically floating in thin air? Where's the string at? Now that I am closer to it I put an arm out to grab it but suddenly it moves away from my touch. It makes its way to the door.

"No no charger you're not escaping from me. I need you right now to bring my phone to life." Me, being the stupid being I am, chase after it. Running out the door, I forget to lock up after. I swear I felt something pass by me and a cackle but I ignore it. What is more important is my charger. My baby. My life.

I look up and gaze at the charger which is making its way towards the trees and into the city. Noo. The sun. It's too bright right now for me to go out there. I groan and run to it grabbing it.

"Wooo!" I shout happily. Suddenly I feel cool hands at my waist. Louis. Haha very funny asshole. I growl and turn around swinging my fist, colliding with his cheek. I brush my hair out of my face angrily and face him.

My eyes widen at who is in front of me. Oops, he isn't Louis. "I'm so sorry I thought you were someone else!" I immediately apologize at the strange black clothed dude who is holding his cheek and bending down.

"My turn." The dude says. What? Before I can process what is going on, the guy pulls out a knife and stabs my stomach. Blood immediately comes out of my mouth and I start coughing. The guy then starts choking me but that doesn't stop me.

I put my hands on his and try to pry them off my neck. In a few seconds he's on the ground shaking and trembling all over the ground as if he is having a seizure. Blood comes from his eyes and mouth and a white bubbly substance comes from his mouth. I look at my stomach and take the knife out. "You f-fucking idiot," I manage to gasp out before I drop to the ground.

The pain is unbearable. Of course. I just got randomly stabbed. This day cannot get any worse though I know I already thought of this. I look at the guy closely. Did I do that? How? I just put my hands on his and he's having a freaking seizure.

I look at my surroundings and we're in the middle of the street. Cars start beeping at us and everyone is shocked. What is going on in the damn world? Suddenly there is a lot of screaming and I hear what one of them says, "Watch out!!" For what though?

Looking up I am flashed with bright lights. Oh no. A camaro. I am so screwed. Damn sports car is going to kill me. I try to get up but fall back down again. I close my eyes, this is it. The light gets nearer and nearer and then, I feel nothing.

Someone's Watching (A Louis Tomlinson Vampire Fanfic) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now