Chapter 36 Punish His Sins

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Hunter Leto P.O.V

I stormed out of the washroom, the wooden door banging against the wallpapered wall as if echoing my frustration. I couldn't care less about potential dents; all I cared about was finding my precious little mate.

The hotel elevator descended as Lucifer, my inner voice, protested and disapproved. I blocked him out, annoyed by his indignant objections. It was time he experienced the feeling of being disregarded and incapable.

Racing to the parking area, I reached my car, unlocking it with a swift motion before getting in. Oh, did I forget to mention? I'm not your typical human – I'm a wolf.

The question arises: Can a wolf drive? Well, if I'm just a plaintive wolf with nothing, I might as well embrace the inevitable aging that awaits me. Every year in human terms is just one for them, but I'm not an ordinary wolf. I age like them, yet I've absorbed all the knowledge my human counterpart acquired. Now, I exist in human form, having quietly observed him learning to drive and earning his license. I wasn't hefty enough to reveal myself then.

In this existence, I lack the benefits of proper wolf training due to the unconventional circumstances of my birth. However, strength courses through me, both physically and mentally. I carry the blood of an alpha – I am an Alpha.

As the firstborn, I should rightfully be the leader, but life's not that simple. Our mom wasn't the mate of our dad, which brought disadvantages and, most importantly, a lack of wolf training. Yet, I am strong, and I embrace my alpha nature.

Despite the unfair circumstances, I hold no resentment toward my half-brother. He deserves his place and rights. When I discovered his existence, I was initially elated until reality set in, revealing the significance of the ceremony marking his position.

Still, I can't help but adore him. After all, he shares my blood. I'm saddened by the fact that I never got to know him, to be the protective big brother he might have needed. I yearn for the chance to guide him through the challenges that lie ahead.

"I still have time to fix that, or so I hope," I mused aloud.

"Who cares?" Lucifer barged in with his usual cynical tone.

"I do, unlike you who wants to be alone forever. I want my family and one of my own," I snapped back at my inner voice.

Three hours later, after much internal struggle, Lucifer confessed, "I don't want to be alone forever. All I wanted was the love of a mother."

Sorrow hung heavily over both of us.

"She can give us that, but you ruined her," I sneered, getting out of the car.

The woods stretched out before me, looking identical in every direction. I recalled the moment when he handed her over to her pack, wounded but alive. However, the situation seemed more perplexing now.

I relied on my heightened senses, trying to track her down.

I inhaled deeply.

I smell;


Heart pounding, mouth watering.

No, snap out of it.

Venturing further into the woods, I caught a medley of scents.



Dead animals.



I snapped my head towards that direction and took off running. With every breath, I sensed more wolves. The thudding of numerous paws against the muddy ground reached my ears.

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