Chapter 54 Four Warrior Brothers

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"Fine, can I have the keys now?" I asked my patience wearing thin by the following second.

"No, I'll drive." Octavius said before walking in front of us. Zachary shook his head covering up his smile.

I rolled my eyes before following him.


Lucifer Zades P.O.V

This couldn't get anymore embarrassing.

Here I am sitting at the back of this Porsche like some kind of kid placed at the back seat.

I sat right at the middle bitting the insides of my mouth thinking. "You know, I don't get why are you driving when I'm the one that knows where it is." I said.

"That's why we brought you as our personal navigator." Octavius responded with a smirk.

"Well in the rate of your driving, I think we'd only reach there tomorrow." I huffed.

"Well, he's driving within the speed limit." Zachary supported this DipShit obviously.

"You think a brother of mine would be driving within the speed limit too?" I asked. I bet not. Well, we do share certain genes don't we ?

I bet his blasting his car so fast he is an hour step ahead of us.

Adamone Levi P.O.V

"Can you go any faster?" I groaned. He's so fucking slow.

"Why so we can get ourselves killed ?" Gabriel asked.

Is this guy serious?

He's going at a rate of 80 km per hour in the speed limit of 110 km per hour.

"I'm sorry Lilith, I think your sister would be dead by now." I blurted and she let out a low growl at the back of me.

"Adam!" Gabriel shouted.

"Yes, that is my name thank you very much. Stop repeating it for the zillionth time." I rolled my eyes.

"Are we close ?" Gabriel asked Lilith.

"Take a left." She answered.

"That wasn't the answer he as-" Before I could have finished my sentence Gabriel shushed me.

I glared at him.

I never knew mates comes first than friends. Aren't bros before hoes ?


I bet that girl is dead. Here we are asking directions to pick up a dead young girls body.

"I think your sister drives advanced and sprightly than you." I stated.

"Yea right, Gabriella ? She's slow as a snail." He snickered.

I laughed out loud.

"Have you ever been with her when she drove ?" I questioned.

"Plenty of time." He replied.

I smiled. Guess he doesn't know everything about her.

"When is she coming back by the way ?" I questioned wondering. It's been quite a long time.

"I don't know exactly." He pondered around.

"Sister ?" Lilith questioned.


Guess someone hasn't pop the bubble.


"My sister." I helped.

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