Chapter 6 The Magnetic Pull

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Valentine Winters P.O.V

Right when he was going to thrust into me, a series of urgent knocks echoed through the room, sparing me from what would have been my first intimate encounter.

"What?" Lucifer growled in displeasure, his frustration evident.

"Sir, your dad demands your presence immediately with the girl," a stern voice called from outside.

My mind raced. How did they know? Panic set in as I realized the presence of security cameras in the room had betrayed our forbidden rendezvous.

Tears streamed down my face like a sudden downpour. The revelation of our almost-indiscretion was about to become public knowledge.

A betrayed sob escaped my lips, and Lucifer's attention snapped to me. "Why're you crying, baby girl?" he asked, perplexed.

"They should've seen me naked," I whispered, unable to hide my shame.

In a surprising turn of events, Lucifer crawled towards me, his expression softening. "No, they didn't. My room has a roof, darling. They might have caught a glimpse of me, but never you."

With determination, he leaped from the bed, swiftly untying me. In a moment of modesty, I covered my nakedness with his blankets as he reassured me.

"They won't expose you," he growled, wearing back his clothes. He fixed his gaze on me, a mix of concern and possessiveness in his eyes.

With the unexpected turn of events, my clothes lay in tatters, remnants of a passionate encounter with him. Left with nothing to wear, I felt vulnerable, exposed.

With a casual stride, he disappeared into his walk-in closet, reemerging with a shirt and boxers. He tossed them onto the bed, his demand clear, "Change now."

The oversized shirt fell to mid-thigh, and the loose boxers clung just enough to keep a semblance of modesty. As I dressed, the fabric whispered his scent, a heady mix of danger and desire that clung to every fiber.

"Come," he commanded, seizing my arm and pulling me along.

Through his imposing door, we stepped into a labyrinth of opulence. The house was a monstrous maze, akin to a grandiose mansion. Each corridor seamlessly connected to the next, offering no respite from its sprawling luxury.

As we navigated the never-ending pathways, the air thickened with tension. Little did I know that each step was propelling me further into a world of intrigue and unforeseen consequences.

We came to an abrupt halt in front of a door, and a shiver ran down my spine. It was the very place where my journey in this mysterious world began – the ominous office.

Behind the imposing desk sat Lucifer's father, his salt-and-pepper hair conveying an air of authority. His stern face bore the weight of untold secrets as he leaned forward, hands steepled beneath his chin. A fleeting smile graced his lips upon seeing Lucifer, but it vanished as quickly as it came, leaving behind an aura of seriousness.

"Father, you summoned me. Why?" Lucifer inquired, his voice a blend of curiosity and caution.

His father met Lucifer's gaze before delivering his ominous message, "We need to eliminate her now," he declared, nonchalantly pulling a gun from a drawer and placing it on the desk.

My heart raced, and fear surged through me. I instinctively tried to free my hand from Lucifer's grasp, only to find him tightening his grip, a silent warning against any resistance.

Lucifer's father rose from his chair, the expensive black shoes accentuating his imposing presence. I focused on the floor, unwilling to meet his gaze, and observed the expensive shoes as he drew closer.

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