Chapter 40 Wrong Move

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Valentine Winters P.O.V

I withdrew from him, a cocktail of uncertainty and curiosity swirling in my gaze as I probed his azure eyes for traces of deception. Was he just spouting words in the throes of the moment?

"It's true," he admitted with a discontented groan, a frown etching its displeasure on his rosy lips.

As he enveloped my waist, carrying me effortlessly and depositing me onto the bed, I unfolded my legs and settled cross-legged, contemplating the revelation.

Bending down, he left a lingering peck on my left cheek, igniting a blush before embarking on a slow-paced pacing around my room.

His inquiry pierced the silence, "How does this work though?"

Puzzled, I raised an eyebrow, seeking clarity on the matter he alluded to.

"I can't give you everything. It's best you stay here where you're safe," he declared, his hands gesturing emphasis.

"Y-you're t-the r-rightful -alpha" I responded, contemplating the complexities of our situation.

He questioned, "And if I refuse?"

"The pack will be without a leader," I replied, a tinge of sadness coloring my words as I gazed at the floor.

Drawing closer, he urged me, "Don't be like that. I know nothing about leading a pack; be rational, Val."

"Why not let Gabriel lead?" he proposed, a quizzical expression on his face.

"He can't. He's not from this pack," I clarified.

"Right," he mused, processing the intricate dynamics.

"Maybe my dad can help you," I suggested, breaking the thoughtful silence.

His skepticism lingered as he queried, "Your dad?"

I nodded slowly, contemplating the potential for a unique alliance between my father's wisdom and his newfound responsibility.

He sighed, the weight of the situation settling between us, signaling the beginning of a challenging journey toward alpha leadership.

He seized my right hand, a silent pact forged in his grip, as Lucifer ushered me out the door, leaving me to wonder about the mysterious destination he had in mind.

Descending the stairs, we stumbled upon my father orchestrating a nightly patrol, a stern expression etched on his face. His eyes flickered to an intense jet black as he caught sight of Lucifer holding my hand, a disapproving snarl escaping his lips. The deliberate tightening of Lucifer's grip only seemed to exacerbate my dad's displeasure.

Growling, my father demanded, "What is it?"

"I'm staying with her," Lucifer declared, the air thick with tension.

A sarcastic chuckle escaped my father's lips, "Why? So you can wound her further?"

"I'll never-" Lucifer attempted to explain.

"Please, there's proof on her body," my father interrupted sharply.

"I've changed," Lucifer asserted, determination resonating in his voice.

"How can I be sure? If anything, you'd want to be Alpha to easily take the whole pack down," my father confronted, skepticism etched on his face.

"I keep my word," Lucifer promised, his eyes unwavering.

"Have you really now?" my father interrogated, his gaze piercing through Lucifer's facade.

"Yes, I always have," Lucifer insisted, a hint of frustration creeping into his tone.

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