chapter 5

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Meanwhile in Fairy World...

"Order! Order!" Jorgen called as he used Cosmo as a gavel. "This meeting of every puny fairy in the universe and me will NOW COME TO ORDER!" he then thrashed Cosmo one last time which exploded his podium.

"That's gotta hurt." Murray winced.

"It did." Cosmo whimpered as he was thrown onto a stool with his wife and the other male fairy.

"because of you three bumbling idiots for allowing Timmy Turner's all powerful Fairy-Versary muffin to fall into the wrong hands, the entire planet Earth has been changed!" Jorgen scolded the three as he was shown a map of the new planet.

"But it was an accident!" Wanda defended.

Jorgen then zapped a bigger wand on the ceiling which then glowed and showed the ultimate fairy rule book before he poofed up reading glasses for himself. "According to the original rules, and the ancient law set on by the ancient Fairy Council, all fairies must be assigned to the dominate species of the planet Earth! Who changed the world?!"

"Umm... A monkey?" Murray smiled nervously.

"Then I'm going with monkeys!" Jorgen glared. "From this day forth, all fairy godparents will be assigned to monkey children!"

This caused for all but one fairy to start complaining about this new change. "Yay! Monkeys rock!"

"Binky, you're such a brown nose..." a female fairy sighed to him.

"Since you three were the cause of this, you'll be the frst to try it out, especially you Murray since you are close with Cosmo and Wanda," Jorgen bared his wand threateningly to the three fairies. "Enjoy your new assignment... NOW GET TO WORK!" he then poofed them away, turning them into 'fairy godprimates' with Bippy as their godchild.

And where a new theme song was soon played. Instead of disguising themselves as goldfish, Cosmo and Wanda were ants in an ant farm and Bippy was basically living Timmy's life, only as a monkey.

Meanwhile, Darla tossed and turned in her bed, mumbling in her sleep. "Leopards.... Monkeys... Muffins!" she then shot up in her bed and looked relieved at first. "Oh, Maisy, I just had the craziest dream..."

"What was it about?" Maisy yawned.

"Oh, it was just--" Darla was about to tell her, then her eyes widened. "Maisy?!"

"What's wrong, Darla?" Maisy asked as she was now a leopard cub instead of a domesticated kitten.

"Y-Y-You're a leopard cub!" Darla screamed. "But you were just a kitten this morning."

"Kitten?" Maisy looked at her like she was crazy. "Did you skip lunch at obedience school or something?"


And where soon enough, the muscular teenager came into the room only now dressed like Tarzan.

"Atticus...?" Darla asked.

"You rang?" Atticus asked as he held a spear since his little sister screamed.

"Um, Atticus, you notice anything unusual happening?" Darla asked, she seemed to be the only one who noticed strange things today. "Everything's been monkified!"

"Sis, you okay?" Atticus asked.

"Yeah, because you know that monkeys have been ruling over humans for years." Patch said as he entered the room.

Darla screamed again as she saw what Patch was now.

"What? Is there something on my face?" Patch touched his muzzle with his paw once it was found that he was an African Wild Dog.

"I think she's sick," Atticus said to Patch.

"Yeah," Maisy agreed. "She thought I was a kitten this morning!"

"This isn't happening..." Darla held her head.

"Well, you better hurry up and get ready, the school vine won't stop for you if you're late." Atticus warned.

"School vine?" Darla asked.

"And I'll be coming with you as a teacher's assistant." Atticus said.

"What is going on here...?" Darla whispered to herself.

"I'm going grocery shopping if anyone needs me." Emily said as she left the house with a spear in her hand.

"I'll go with you, it's on my way to work." Patrick followed after her as he took out his own spear.

"I hope Timmy and the others aren't affected by this." Darla whispered.

Atticus went outside for a minute, then held a club as he saw a jungle version of Mo, then came behind her and whacked her on the head.

Mo fell backwards against him and smiled up to him.

Atticus then dragged her back to the tree house. "Wanna go out?"

"Heck yeah!" Mo giggled like he was flirting with her by hitting her.

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