chapter 9

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"I think it's safe to come out of Timmy's bed." Darla said.

They then did that after a speaker radio made an announcement about bowing down to Crocker. The kids then broke out of Santa's magic bag and were unaffected by Crocker's alteration to the universe.

"Ah, the sweet smell of magical success!" Darla beamed brightly.

"I just love magical items." Amber smiled.

Cosmo and Murray then poofed into the room. The door then knocked and Susan and Darren came into the door which made the two fairy godfathers run under the bed so they wouldn't be seen.

"Erm... Hello, Aunt Susan and Uncle Darren..." Amber smiled nervously. "You two look well."

"This is awkward." Darla whispered.

"What are these clothes that show a sign of individuality?" Darren looked cross and hypnotic.

"Now we have to turn you all over to Crocker!" Susan scolded.

"No! Let me handle them, besides two of them is your own son and your own niece," Atticus said as he came into the room. "You two leave; you still have enough time for bowing down to Crocker."

"Atticus?!" Darla's eyes widened.

"Well, that is true," Darren agreed as he then reached on the doorknob. "I suppose we could let them off this one times.... Two equals two!" he then smiled before looking confused. "Why would I be thinking about multiplication at a time like this?!"

"I don't know, but I do think that--" Susan reached on the doorknob before also getting phased. "Kittens are adorable! Let's go find some!"

The two adults soon left and where soon Atticus closed the door.

"So are you four going to be wanting to help me bring down Crocker?" Atticus asked once they were alone.

"What do you mean?" Annabelle asked.

Atticus took the FM Radio and spoke into it. "Cherry, Mo, Cheese and Crockers Gone Nuts."

Suddenly, the perky goth and the tomboy former street urchin came into the room and looked like spies or trained agents.

"We're rebelling against Crocker, but you can't tell anyone." Cherry told the younger kids.

"We promise." Timmy promised.

"I knew I could count on you guys." Darla smiled.

"You're not from this reality, are you?" Mo asked like she knew.

"Correct." Darla smiled.

"We had a hunch," Cherry said to her. "Besides, it's great to have someone else sane on our side."

"So, what do people do in this reality all day?" Darla asked.

"Bow down to Crocker..." Cherry narrowed her eyes. "It's so stupid."

"We've got to save Wanda and get the Fairy-Versary muffin back." Amber said.

"You're lucky that everything magic still works," Atticus said. "Since Crocker has taken over the world--"

"Universe." Cosmo and Murray corrected.

"Right, since he's taken over the universe." Atticus said.

"We've been trying to stop him for years." Cherry said.

"Well, with magic on our side, we can win." Amber said.

"And since Venus was Annabelle's mother, she's a shoe in." Murray said.

"How did you know my mother's name was Venus?" Annabelle looked to him.

"Your mother wanted to educate her before her unfortunate departing," Murray informed. "She loved fairies so much because... Well... She was one herself and was one of the original Winx."

"Ooh." Annabelle smiled.

"If Annabelle's mother was a fairy, then that means she's a fairy too?" Darla asked.

"Yes, but only half because her father is a mortal." Murray replied.

"So then she's a Winx fairy." Atticus said.

"Yes, and someday, Annabelle will have to meet the Winx Club." Murray nodded.

"Along with Atticus and Mo and Cherry." Cosmo said.

"Yours of course..." Atticus put his arm around Darla. "Now go get ready so we can put this idiot to rest."

Timmy took out the magical bag and opened it up to show his Fairy-Versary gifts so they could beat Crocker.

"These should be perfect to fight against Crocker with Atticus and Cherry and Mo on our side." Amber said.

"Along with our own weapons." Darla said. "Just in case."

Amber then seemed to glow white and she was in an icy blue gown similar to Elsa's and wore her hair down and braided like the ice queen of ancient times had done. Darla transformed once again and where she had her Moon Staff in her hand, ready to use it when ready. Timmy equipped Jorgen's jet pack, the Tooth Fairy's dental floss, Cupid's bow and arrows, the Easter Bunny's eggs, Juandissimo's magic mirror, the April Fool's mask, and wore Santa's magic bag as a cape to disguise himself against Crocker. Murray then handed Annabelle her wand which was actually magic and not a toy. Annabelle waved her wand over herself and sprouted fluffy and glittery angel-like wings, a golden crown above her head, and had a majestic purple gown with white gloves and silver slippers.

"Amazing!" Annabelle smiled.

"You look like your mother." Murray smiled back proudly.

Timmy seemed to blush at Annabelle's new look. "Purple's a good color for you."

"Oh, thank you, Timmy." Annabelle blushed back.

Amber and Darla hid smirks to that.

"Come on, guys," Timmy said as he then put the cape on over his face to look dark and mysterious. "Let's fight magic with magic."

"Yeah!" The others agreed.

They then all moved out together so they could bring the world back to normal. And where by the time they got to where Crocker was, he was making it rain shrimp puffs.

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