chapter 12

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"Everything is back to normal." Darla smiled before she felt that she still had her piece of the Fairy-Versary muffin in her hand. She looked to it and hummed as she wondered what to do with it and thought it would be useful for emergencies.

Fairy World was back to normal as well and the fairies happily and gleefully flew around the world before going to their respective godchildren.

"Where are you two going?" Amber asked as she saw Timmy's parents in a car.

Cosmo, Wanda, and Murray disguised themselves as squirrels.

"We're off to work." Susan smiled to the kids.

"And after paying all the bills, we're going to spend away for Timmy's college fund," Darren said smoothly until his wife pinched his ear. "I MEAN SPEND ANOTHER NICE DINNER ALONE!"

"Honesty," Amber smiled. "Perfect."

"It's the best policy." Annabelle agreed.

"Cool, parents who tell the truth." Timmy smiled as his parents then backed up and drove away.

"Let's see if the school is the same." Darla said.

"Should be." Timmy agreed.

Cosmo, Wanda, and Murray waved their wands and transported them to Timmy's school in the hallway behind the lockers.

"Same old school and same old Crocker." Timmy smiled.

"It's true, fairies exist!" Crocker said to Principal Waxelplax which made several students watch them. "And someday, you will all bow down to me!"

"But today it's time you bow down to your medicine." Principal Waxelplax smiled.

There were two men standing beside the principal, one had a straight-jacket and the other had a needle.

One man took Crocker and patted him. "Night, night, Crazy Guy."

The other man then injected the needle into Crocker to make him fall asleep so they could take him away.

"Now back to your house." Annabelle said.

Timmy then decided to take the Forget-Me-Knob off of his bedroom door. "And my same old room, everything's the way it should be."

"Yeah, your parents can tell the truth now and you just have to lie to them about Cosmo and Wanda," Amber said before flinching. "Kind of a bittersweet ending if you ask me."

They then heard a loud poof as Jorgen appeared. He appeared and had a harsh glare to Timmy. "STOP!!!!"

"Is this guy basically the Drell of fairies?" Darla wondered due to how big and strong Jorgen was.

"Rule free wish or not, you almost destroyed the world!" Jorgen snarled to the kids. "You revealed the existence of your fairy godparents! Your godparents must return to Fairy World with me at once! And this time, they will be assigned, to a couple of more trustworthy children! Any last words, puny Earth kids?" he then sneered to Timmy and Annabelle.

Annabelle soon whispered something into Timmy's ear.

Timmy nodded to her with a smile. "Think fast!" he then threw the doorknob at the fairy's head.

"Ow!" Jorgen cried out and clutched his head. "I... Wait, what was I just doing?"

"You were just about to reassign us." Wanda said.

"Ooh, really?" Jorgen smiled.

"Yeah," Cosmo smiled. "Word on the street is there's a ten-year-old boy with a silly pink hat and a horrible babysitter who could really use some fairy godparents!"

"Along with a lady friend of his who believes in magic and is in dire need of a fairy godparent of her own." Murray added in.

"This is going to work." Darla whispered to herself.

"Well, okay, where would I find such children?" Jorgen asked.

"Ahem!" Timmy and Annabelle cleared their throats as Amber and Darla innocently pointed to them.

"You!" Jorgen pointed to the two. "I will assign them to you until my head stops hurting and I can concentrate long enough to find such children!" he then looked slightly lost again. "What was I going to do next?"

"Uh, scramble the fairies?" Cosmo suggested.

"Yes! I like to scramble the fairies!" Jorgen cheered before poofing away.

"I bet I know who could keep him in line." Darla smirked.

Amber giggled and hugged her best friend.

"Well?" Timmy looked back to his godparents.

"Well what?" Cosmo replied.

"Did I not just get assigned fairy godparents?" Timmy prompted.

"Same here." Annabelle added.

"Oh, right!" Wanda giggled.

The couple then zipped back and introduced themselves to Timmy like they did when they all first met one year ago today.

"I'm Cosmo!"

"And I'm Wanda!"

"And we're--" the two said together. "YOUR FAIRY GODPARENTS!"

"And I'm Murray!" Murray pulled Annabelle into a hug. "Your fairy godfather!"

"And we wouldn't wish it any other way." Timmy and Annabelle smiled.

Amber smiled, very proud for her friend and cousin. The fairies shared a laugh with their godchildren as this story was wrapping up nicely as Bippy passed the Turner house with a muffin wagon, but accidentally dropped one on the way.

A while later, the others decided to go home after a big adventure with Timmy and hoped for another one with him very soon.

As soon as Darla came home, Atticus did too and panted slightly. "Atticus, you're home!"

"Hey, kiddo, how was your week?" Atticus smiled to his little sister.

"It was great! No, it was magical!" Darla smiled.

Atticus laughed. "I guess we both had an exciting time with our friends."

"Atticus, you have no idea." Darla replied.

"So, what are you gonna wish for with that slice of the muffin I gave you?" Atticus whispered.

"Wait, you know about that?" Darla asked in slight surprise.

"Yep and I remember the wish." Atticus said.

Darla smiled shyly.

"Well, go ahead, make a wish." Atticus insisted.

Darla brought out her slice of the muffin as she was going to eat it and make a wish. Atticus smiled.

"GAH!" Darla stuck her tongue out. "Who baked this muffin anyway?!"

Atticus simply shrugged. "So, what's your wish?" he then asked.

"Hmm..." Darla hummed once she got the bad taste out of her mouth. "So many decisions..."

"And it can be whatever you want, rules or no rules." Atticus reminded.

Darla started to think until finally she thought of something. "I wish that we could visit the gods on Mount Olympus whenever we want, especially you Atticus." she then smiled.

Atticus smiled back. "That's a great wish."

Darla gave him a hug.

"I bet we can make a family vacation out of it someday." Atticus said.

"Yeah." Darla smiled as medallions with the symbol of Zeus on them appeared.

"But right now, I need to take a quick rest," Atticus chuckled. "Equestria was really a doozy."

"Okay." Darla smiled.

Atticus noticed the new medallions and he decided to have a word about them with his father as soon as possible when he would be ready to be active again, but he decided to tell Darla about his visit.

The End

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