chapter 7

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"Bippy, you going to help us save them?" Atticus whispered.

Bippy nodded. "I have to," he then chattered. "I know those humans."

They soon heard one of the ape overlords come in.

"Duck!" Atticus warned the othes hiding with him.

An ape overlord soon came into the room ready to dissect the humans it was going to choose. He was about to take Crocker until he insisted to take Timmy and the girls since he planned on hosting a dinner party.

"What?!" Timmy and the girls asked out of shock.

The Ape Overlord then shrugged, shut Crocker's cage and then went to collect Timmy and the girls instead.

"This can't be happening," Darla said out of worry before screaming. "ATTICUS, SAVE US!"

"What about you?" Mr. Crocker asked Francis as he scratched himself like a dog. "How do you feel about shrimp puffs."

"HELP!" Timmy, Amber, Darla, and Annabelle cried out as they were carried off.

"Atticus, we have to save your sister and those other humans!" Bippy chattered in brave determination.

"I agree." Atticus said.

"I have got to transform now!" Darla's voice echoed.

Cherry an Mo jumped out with their spears.

"Take my best friend's little sister, will ya, ya darn dirty ape?!" Cherry gritted through her teeth.

"Let's go save them!" Bippy declared.

"Come on, before the door closes!" Atticus told them.

They all rushed off, but little did Bippy know, the muffin seemed to fall loose from his tail and end up in Crocker's cage. And where that would soon spell chaos for everyone. The four young kids were strapped to a giant metal table as two Ape Overlords stod over them. One ape took out a red marker and marked X's on their foreheads.

"What's he gonna use?" Amber asked scared.

Another overlord then took out a banana. Darla scoffed.

"What're you gonna do?" Timmy smirked. "Smush that banana on our foreheads?"

The overlord then peeled the banana to reveal it was a sharp and painful drill.

"OH, COME ON!" the four kids yelped.

"If I could just reach my brooch, then I could transform." Darla grunted.

The others then rushed in as it looked like the four kids were donefor.

"Get away from my little sister and her friend right now!" Atticus glared as he tackled the two ape overlords.

The overlords grunted and groaned.

Atticus snarled as he stood over them. "Guys, you free them, I'll handle the apes."

"You got it!" Bippy saluted.

"Get away from my sister!" Atticus glared at the Ape Overlords. "You mess with my family, you mess with me!"

The Ape Overlords tried to attack back which was their mistake due to how strong and indestructible Atticus was. Atticus snarled as he let out a jungle yell like Tarzan would as he then tackled and attacked the Ape Overlords. And where soon a cartoon dust cloud appeared as he was attacking the ape overlords.

"Is this happening...?" Annabelle wondered as she saw the cartoony elements.

"Yep." Timmy nodded as Bippy, Cherry, Mo, and Murray helped get them free.

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