Chapter One

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 "Hi mama," I said setting my phone on speaker. "Sorry I haven't called you back. I've been really busy with work. What's up?"

 "Sweetie, do you remember David Hope?"

 "Yeah why wouldn't I?" I asked confused throwing my hair into a messy bun. "He was my dance teacher for forever."

 "He had a heart attack a few days ago."

 "What? Is he alright?" I asked worriedly, "I saw him two weeks ago and he was fine."

 "He'll be alright," Mama assured calmly. "But he is asking for you."

 "I'm on my way," I said running out the door. "I'll try to be there in a few hours. Can you tell David that I'll be there soon."

 "Of course," Mama said. "Love you sweetie."

 "Love you too Mama." I said hanging up and quickly making my way down the road to my he dance studio that I work at.

 "Willow what can I do for you?" Janet asked when I walked into her office. "Are you alright?"

 "I'm fine," I sighed sitting down. "My old dance teacher, David Hope, had a heart attack  a few days ago and my mom called saying that he's asking for me. I need to get home as soon as possible."

 "David, the David that comes to some of your comps."

 "Yeah, mama said that he's been asking for me. So is it alright if I take a few weeks off?"

 "Seriously," she chuckled. "You never take time off, so yes you can take as much time as you want. But you have to give David a kiss for me."

 "I will," I giggled standing up and giving her a hug. "Thank you."

 "You go pack and I'll get your flight situated and text you the details. Go now."

 "Yes ma'am," I saluted hurrying out the door. "Thanks again."


 "Mama Daddy," I called walking in the door. "Anyone home?"

 "BABYGIRL!" Daddy yelled before he grabbed me in a hug spinning around and I giggled.

 "Hi daddy," I laughed. "Put me down. I'm getting dizzy."

 "I'm so happy your home," he said not letting me go.

 "Carl let her breathe," Mama scolded daddy before pulling me into a hug. "Welcome home sweetie."

 "Happy to be home mama," I grinned hugging her back. "I'm going to put my bags in my room before going to hospital."

 "That's fine," Mama said. "You can drive my car."

 "I'm going now," I said sticking my head in the kitchen seeing Mama smack daddy's hand with a spoon. "I'll be back later."


 "Hi," I smiled at the nurse. "I'm looking for David Hope."

 "Are you family?"

 "No, he used to be my dance teacher. I was told he'd been asking for me."

 "Room 315," she said and I nodded walking to the elevator.

 "Hi David," I said leaning against the doorjamb. "You know if you wanted attention you could have just asked."

 "Haha," David grumbled. "Although seeing your pretty face is a plus to this whole fiasco." 

 "Happy to help," I smiled walking over to him. "I'm glad your alright. I was worried when Mama called telling me what happened to you. Please don't scare me like that again."

 "Yeah yeah," he grumbled. "How long are you staying in town?"

 "Not sure yet," I shrugged. "Probably until your back on your feet. Which reminds me, how's the studio?"

 "She's doing great," David laughed. "There's this on little girl that comes everyday after school and just watches the other kids dance. But I saw her dancing one day and she reminded me of you, so talented."

 "Awe," I cooed. "Anyway, I should get back home. Mama was making supper when I left I'll talk to you tomorrow. Don't go anywhere."

  "Not planning on going anywhere anytime soon." He yelled and I laughed walking down the hallway.

 "Whoa," I yelp before falling.

 "I'm sorry are you okay?" I glanced up to see the cutest little girl standing there looking at me worriedly. "I didn't mean to run into you."

 "It's alright," I smiled getting up. "Accidents happen, just be careful so you don't hurt yourself."

 "Okay," she smiled. "Bye."

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