Chapter Seventeen

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 "Hello princess," someone said as my blindfold was ripped off. "I've missed you."

 "F*ck off," I growled glaring up at the Devil.

 "Shut up," he yelled slapping me. "I own you, you belong to me and you've betrayed me so I'm going to make you pay."

  "Go to hell," I grumbled wincing as he jerked my head back.

 "Boss," one of Killer's minions said entering the room. "We got a problem. You should see this."

 "Don't go anywhere," killer whispered in my ear walking off.

 "What's going on?" a scared voice asked and I jerked my head up gasping.

 "Ashely?" I asked shocked staring at her tear stained, terrified face, "What are you doing here?"

 "They grabbed me days ago," Ashely whimpered. "What do they want from us?"

 "They'll probably kill me," I muttered glancing around the room. "Any idea where we are?"

 "No," she sighed. "I do know who's working with them though."


 "Ashlyn," she sighed. "She wants Blake back and I guess she thought getting rid of us would make him run to her."

 "I thought you hated Blake," I said flexing my wrist. "I know you don't like me."

 "Actually, I'm jealous of you. I always have been, your so talented and I just thought that if I treated you like a b*tch then maybe you'd stop making everyone love you. But going after someone's love is going to far for me, I know how much it hurts to have your boyfriend cheat on you."

 "I'm sorry," I whispered sending her a small smile. 

 "Don't be," she sighed. "My sister's a bigger b*tch than I've ever been. Why did that guy say he missed you?"

 "About a month after I left town I ran into some bad people and they kidnapped me," I said trying to loosen up the ropes. "I was supposed to dance in front of a bunch of scary men but Killer took a liking to me and basically abused me for six months before I was rescued. I helped put an end to his little biker gang for a while."

 "Your stronger than I am," Ashley said.

 "No," I laughed. "I do what I have too so I can survive but there have been moments where I thought about ending everything."

 "Everyone has a certain kind of strength."

 "I've been told that before," I sighed biting my lip when I finally got my hands free. "As much as I love that we're talking, how about we get out of here and find a way home."

 "God yes," she said. "Untie me before they come back."

 "Come on," I said pulling the rope away from her wrists. "I think there's a way out this way. Just help me find a door or a window."

 "Okay," Ashley said as we hurried to the back.


 "Where did you learn to drive?" Ashley asked clutching onto the door, "I don't want to die yet."

 "I know what I'm doing," I said turning onto one of the back roads. "There should be a phone in the glove compartment, hand it to me."

 "Here," Ashley said handing me the flip-phone.

 "Cooper," he answered after the first ring.

 "Cooper, it Lil Lamb." I said cursing when I saw three bike's behind me, "I need help and directions."

 "Where you at?" Cooper asked and I put the phone on speaker laying it in my lap.

 "Some backroad, not sure where I am." I said speeding up, "I've got bike's following me and I'm pretty sure they're Devil's Blood."

 "I've got ya," Copper said and I sighed. "Two miles up there's a fork go left and keep going until the interstate there should be a cop at the intersection so your gonna have to be fast. I'll take care of you, the cop should go after the bike's."

 "Thanks," I smiled as I hit the pavement. "Can you get ahold of Diego and Blake?"

 "Already sent Bullet to where your ring GPS is indicating. Just go to his compound, we'll see you tonight or in the morning."

 "Thanks Coop," I laughed turning to Ashley and she laughed with me. "Let's go home."

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