Chapter Three

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 "Hi I'm Arizona but most people call me Ari."

 "Nice to meet you," I smiled shaking her hand. "I'm Willow are you a parent?"

 "No," she laughed. "I teach the toddlers."

 "Oh," I smiled. "Do you mind if I watch?"

 "Nope," Ari grinned. "Come on you can help me with the little monsters."

 "Hi Miss Ari," the little kids yelled when we entered the room.

 "Guys this is Willow," Ari said walking over to the radio. "Who wants to see what she can do?"

 "I don't think..."

  "Please," all of the kids begged.

 "Oh alright," I sighed before doing a small ballet dance.

 "Whoa," Ari whispered. "Do you want my class?"

 "Nope," I laughed. "I actually am late to mine. I'll see you later."

 Walking into my classroom I look around see five girls and one boy, "Where's everyone else?"

 "They went to Ms. Ashley's studio," a red haired girl said. "Apparently they didn't want to be taught by some washed up stranger."

 "I'm not that bad at dancing," I grumbled. "What were you working on when you were here last?"

  "We were working on freestyle," another girl said. "But we have a comp coming up that we need a number on."

  "Okay," I nodded. "Who's competing?

 "Everyone but Bailey," the blond haired girl said.

 "Alright," I sighed. "Okay I need to know your names and then we'll figure something out for your dance comp later."

 "Carla," Blondie said.

 "Sarah," Red said smiling.

 "Kate and Kelly," the black haired twins said.

  "Chris," the boy said.

 "So you must be Bailey," I smiled at the little girl in sweats. "What do you guys prefer doing as far as dancing?"

 "Hip hop," Carla said. "Duh, no one does ballet anymore."

 "That's not true," I laughed. "I know plenty of dancer that do both hip hop and ballet. I do that along with every other type of dance."

 "Its what we want or we leave," Carla snapped.

 "Awe you'll hurt my feeling," I pouted before chuckling. "Then go, won't change a thing."

 "Fine, we'll see how many dancers you have now."

 "Then leave Carla," one of the twins said. "And you can take the mini me with you."

 After watching Carla and Sarah walk out I turned back to my students, "Well..."

 "She's always been like that," Kelly said. "What are we going to do now?"

 "Do you like old school music?"

 "Yeah," the twins and Chris said. "Our parents listen to it a lot. Why?"

 "You girls do a number to old school. I can try to find something for you Chris just give sometime," I said nodding to him. "Bailey what would you like to dance?"

 "I don't compete," she said looking down. "I help make props."

 "Can you stay after class," I whispered to her. "I want to talk to you."


 "Ms. Willow?" I looked up when I heard my name. "You wanted to speak with me."

 "Yes," I smiled patting the floor beside me. "I was told that you are an amazing dancer and yet you don't dance in class. Why is that?"

 "Everyone is so good at it," Bailey sighed. "I just feel clumsy when I dance in front of people."

 "Everyone is that way when you first start," I smiled. "I know I was. I would trip over my own feet, I still do sometimes. Besides don't think about what they think all that matters is that you have fun and enjoy dancing."

 "But that's so hard."

 "You know what, why don't you start staying after class and I'll give you private lessons. Just for fun."

 "You'd do that for me," Bailey asked before tackling me in a hug. "Thank you thank you thank you. I would love that."

 "I'll see you tomorrow," I smiled hugging her.

Biker's Willow {Wolves MC 1}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang