Chapter Thirteen

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 "Carlos," I said jumping on his back. "What are you doing?"

 "Working on my bike," he grunted standing up. "What are you doing? I thought you were going to lunch with Bullet."

 "He's talking to Hank," I said wrapping my legs around him as he started walking. "Where did you crash last night?"

 "Cabin down the road," he shrugged dropping me on a bar stool leaning against the bar scanning the room. "I'm going check out the town later, will you be alright with Bullet?"

 "I'll be fine," I giggled swinging my legs. "Will you be okay? I mean you do always end up passed out drunk somewhere when you go check something out that doesn't involve work."

 "One time, That happened one time and everyone still gives me a hard time." Carlos grumbled before he yelped as someone tackled him to the ground. "Son of a..."

 "I'm gonna kill you, you f*cking bast*ard."

 "What!" Carlos yelled before he was punched. "The f*ck."

 "STOP!" I yelled and everyone froze looking at me while I glared at the two bikers on the ground. "What are you doing?"

 "He deserves it."

 "Carl," I growled. "He your brother you don't go around attacking him every time you see him just because your angry at him."

 "Why not," Carl grumbled getting up. "He shot me. Twice."

 "Your alive, aren't you?"


 "He could have killed you and yet your still walking around," I said poking his chest looking up at six foot frame. "So quit being a grumpy old hussy and get over it. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

 "Yes ma'am," he grumbled looking down with a hurt expression.

 "Sh*t," someone said. "She's scary for a little kid."

 "I'm twenty-six," I snapped glaring at him. "And I can take your idiotic but to the ground."

 "Try not to," Hank said patting my head. "Keep them in order Little Lamb."

 "Bunny, ready for lunch?"

 "I'm starving," I pouted looking up at Blake. "I haven't eaten since yesterday afternoon."

 "Lets go eat then," he chuckled but I could tell something was bothering him. "Don't want my bunny to starve."

 "Duh," I scoffed as he walked past me. I grinned jumping on his back and he grunted, "Feed me Wolf."

 "Maybe I want to eat you," he said and I blushed when I heard the other meaning to the words.

 "Shut up," I grumbled jumping off his back hurrying to my truck. "That was uncalled for."


 "Okay," I smiled at my class. "We are going to be working on our routines for the comp this Saturday. Did everyone bring the shoes they want to wear?"

 "Yes," the all said.

 "Good," I grinned. "Kate, Kelly you two can work on your routine over there. Chris, Mr. Hope is going to work with you in the big dance room and Bailey you and I will be practicing across the hall. Okay."

 "Okay," Bailey smiled grabbing her water bottle and going to the room I just said.

 "Girls, I will come check on you in a little bit. Practice and then we'll see what you need help with." I said and the nodded so I went to meet up with Bailey, "Okay, what did you decide to do as a routine." 

 "I was wondering if I could do a routine my dad was working on before he and mama died," she said looking down. "This weekend is going to be three years since they..."

 "I think that would be an awesome idea," I smiled crouching down in front of her. "Would you show me the dance?"

 "I have the CD, mama filmed it and it was the only thing to survive the crash."

 "Let me see," I smiled as she handed me the disc. I got my laptop and played the video, "I can help you with this."

 "I miss them," Bailey whimpered wrapping her arms around me. "I miss my parents and no one cares that their gone and never coming back."

"Oh sweetie," I whispered hugging her tightly. "I'm sure people care. Your parents was a very likable person, everyone loved them."

 "How do you know that," she said into my stomach. "And if they did why does no one ever talk about them."

 "I knew your parents," I said sitting on the round pulling her on my lap. "They were high school sweethearts, you could just tell that they were going to end up married and have a happy marriage. Before I moved away from here your dad and I danced together a lot. I was jealous of they relationship, your dad was like prince charming and your mom was the princess. When he found how that you were going to be coming they flew to where I was to tell me the news."

 "Really," she asked rubbing her nose staring at me with wet cheeks.

 "Really," I smiled wiping the tears. "The week  you were born I was doing a comp and they said you wouldn't stop fussing except when they were watching the comp I was dancing in. That's why they named you Bailey, because that was my last name and I apparently calmed you down even though I hadn't met you yet."

 "That sounds like something he would do," she giggled. "Thank you for telling me that."

 "Doesn't your dad or grandparents ever talk to you about them?"

 "No," she sighed. "Nana starts crying and Papa and Uncle Blake just stare off into space. I guess I just want someone to talk about them, tell me what they were like."

 "I have an idea," I said smiling. "For your dance why don't we do a remembrance dance. You dance along with him."

 "You can do that?"

 "Of course I can," I smirked. "Now lets get started."


 "Hey," I smiled walking into the kitchen. "How was your day?"

 "Long," Blake grumbled pulling me into his chest. "How was yours?"

 "It was okay," I smiled. "Oh and your coming to the comp on Saturday. No arguing because Bailey is going to be in it so her uncle as to show up."

 "I have work," he grumbled and I slapping the back of his head since he'd bent down.

 "Your going end of discussion," I said skipping down the hallway. 

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