Chapter 8

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Connor's POV
I veer left following the strong scent of rogues situated at the border, their rancid scent left a bad taste in my mouth and I wish to be back with my beautiful mate Flick

Last night I had received my best nights sleep in forever, watching her in bed she had looked so adorable whilst she slept and had fit perfectly sleeping between my brother and I.
However my thoughts turn sour when I realise what we nearly did this morning, marking her without her permission.
I felt completely awful. Zach didn't care about how she felt, he just wanted to claim her as his own so he could start the second part of the mating process.
Disgust bubbled inside of me as I remembered the tears falling down her face as she begged us to stop.

"We need to apologise to our mate" I mind link Jake

"I know, I couldn't even look at her when we left today"

"Neither could I, our beautiful mate in tears and knowing that it was our doing. We need to control our wolves better"


With our Alpha speed we race towards the rogues, catching up to them easily, I pounce on top of the closest one ripping out its neck in the process.

Flicker's POV
I push the window open, letting the cool breeze wrap around my body.

Glancing down, it was a two storey drop which would injure a human easily, but as a wolf I jumped down with ease, landing softly on the ground so I wouldn't raise any unwanted attention.

Looking up at the window I check to see if the guards had heard me but after a second passes, no one appears.

Grinning triumphantly I shift into my beautiful white wolf.

Emma still wasn't talking to me and I hoped that she would come back again, I desperately needed her help in escaping.

Taking a deep breath, there would be no going back after this, my only hope would be that the guards don't check on me and I could somehow find my way out of this pack and head home.

I set off in a sprint and just like my mates this morning I don't glance back.

After a few minutes of not encountering any pack members I begin to slow down, all that surrounds me is a forest filled with large conifer tree's and the eerie yet comforting silence of the forest.

The wind pushes me forward and now my only aim is to find a warm of safe place to rest by nightfall.

Jake's POV
I rip out the neck of the last rogue, our coats were covered with  blood but it had been worth it, they had come too close to our pack borders and now we had a mate to protect.

Thinking of Flicker brought a smile to my face, she was so beautiful,  I couldn't wait to have her sleeping next to me in bed tonight.

"Thinking about Flicker" Connor mind links

"What else is there to think about"

"True" he agrees and together we race back towards the pack

"We need to show her around and get her to meet the pack members"

"And then we should take her out for dinner somewhere"

"And then you will mark her" Ryder says

"I'll see"

In truth I wouldn't have the patience to wait any longer, I know I promised myself that I wouldn't forcefully mark Flicker but I was becoming restless and so was my wolf, Flicker belonged to us, as her mate and Alpha we have the right to choose when to mark her. 

Soon it will be the full moon and Ryder will be in full control if I didn't mark her before then Ryder will.

I glance at Connor and I notice that he is arguing with his wolf, he gives out a vicious snarl and meets my gaze.
"We need to mark Flicker, I know what I said before but..."

"We can't be seen to have a soft demeanour, other packs need to understand that we're strong powerful Alpha's who can control their Luna"

"And our wolves are going to forcefully and probably viciously mark her if we don't" Connor adds

He was right when someone becomes an Alpha their wolves became more powerful, they can sometimes take control of the person.
Our wolves were so desperate to mate Flicker because once mated, Flicker bond would heighten our Alpha powers significantly.

"Don't forget she is ours, we control what she does and how she acts" I remind him

"She is subservient to us"

We're halfway to the pack when the wind changes direction and with it blows Flicker's scent  heading away from the pack house.

I hear Connor's growl before I can start with my own

"I just checked with the wolves guarding her, they said she's left the room, jumped out of the window"

I'm shocked, what makes her think she can leave me. Flicker belongs to us.

"She will be punished for this" I say

"Certainly, she needs to learn that as her mates we own and control her"

Changing direction, Connor and I let our wolves become in control as they follow Flicker's scent.
I hear Ryder trying to communicate with Emma, but somehow Flicker has blocked him out.
This only makes him more furious, as a result his anger begins to grow and for once I'm happy to relinquish control and let Ryder deal with Flicker.

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