Chapter 24

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I hope you enjoy the chapter


Chapter 24

"Flicker" a voice calls

"Go away" I grumble, opening my eyes slightly I realise that its too dark to get up and I turn over snuggling into the covers.

"Flicker" The voice calls again, this time more persistent

"It's too early"


"I'm seriously going to kill my mates" I mumble to myself as I sit up in bed. It was still completely dark but with my werewolf eyesight I could just make out my two mates completely asleep in bed.

I frown, confused as to who called me, my eyes sweep the room but there was no one there.

"You can be so stupid sometimes, you know that right"

The voice speaks again and I scan the room but there was still nobody, I'm about to wake Jake and Connor when realisation dawns on me.

"Emma?" I whisper

"Hey Flicker"

"Emma" I squeal, a massive smile spreading across my face

"Shhhhh, we'll wake the Alpha's" she says

I immediately quieten but I cant stop feeling so happy, she's back, my best friend is back.

"God, I've missed you so much"

"What's not to miss"

I roll my eyes.

"So what's been happening" she asks

"Nothing much" I mutter

Emma takes a moment flicking through my memories

"You've done absolutely nothing" she admonishes

"I'm sleeping next to them"

"Yeah, but you haven't slept with them"

I roll my eyes as she huffs her breath in annoyance, but in this moment I really don't care that she's annoyed with me. She's back.

"Do you wanna go for a run?"

I don't even answer her question instead I slowly remove Jake's arm from my waist placing it next to him and then start to move out of bed.

A thought crosses my mind that I should probably inform the Alpha's that I was leaving but I'm too excited to go and if I did they'd probably want to come with me.

I really just want to spend this time alone with Emma.

Instead of waking them I tiptoe out the door but once I'm outside I sprint down the stairs heading straight for the front door.

Opening it, the cold air hits me leaving a trail of goose bumps decorating my skin. A thought crosses my mind that I should probably wait for the sun to come up but I instantly ignore it.

I strip off my clothing until I'm just in my underwear and then I shift.

I had forgotten how good it felt to shift, the cold disappears replaced with the warmth provided by my fur coat. My senses are heightened allowing me to see for miles instead of just metres in front of me.

"Ready to run" Emma aks

"You bet"

I start off with a slow jog which quickly changes to a sprint. I keep running never wanting to stop, but eventually my body becomes exhausted and I force myself to look for one of the lakes in the pack land.

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