Chapter 18

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Author's Note
Sorry for the long wait
I hope you like it

Flicker's POV

I open my eyes, slowly blinking as I become adjusted to my surroundings. The room smells strongly of anaesthetic and I instantly realise that I'm in the doctors surgery, again.

My gaze falls on the two Alpha's, they're sitting on the chair sleeping, their heads resting on their shoulders. They almost look cute sleeping on the chairs like that.

Stop, what the hell is wrong with me, I can't think like that. I won't fall in love with them, what's the point when they don't even love me. I keep repeating this hoping to reassure myself. They only want me for the power I will give them.

Sighing, I again ask the moon goddess why she decided to pair me with these two dominant Alpha's.

I take another sweep of the room as I try to recall the events that brought my here, it only takes a short while as I quickly remember how the Alpha's had left me alone in the house to complete pack business, which led to me feeling weak and collapsing, one of the guards must've found me and rushed me to the hospital.
As I sift through the events I realise that it was their fault that I'm in the hospital, if they had only listened this morning it could've all been avoided.

Sighing inwardly, I knew that they would never admit to their mistake, I was inferior to them.
Deep in thought I don't realise that the two Alpha's have moved until they're standing at the edge of my bed.
Glancing up, I'm surprised to see sadness etched on their faces especially Jake's. It's silent for a moment and I'm unsure what to say.

"Flicker" Connor whispers as he grips my pale arm, it immediately sends a wave of sparks through my body, "We're so so sorry. I know you probably hate us" He pauses for a moment and Jake takes over
"But we will try and make it up for you, we will try to be better mates. You're not inferior to us anymore"

My eyes widen in shock, I'm speechless, as first I think it's a cruel joke, it's very uncharacteristic of them to say these things, but by their concerned and sympathetic expression, I know they're being serious.

I pause for a moment letting the words sink in for a moment, I'm not inferior anymore.
I'm begin to feel really confused, what in the world caused them to change their entire attitude, I go to contact Emma for help but realise sadly that she's still not there.

"Flicker" Connor whispers bringing me out of my thoughts, "I know you're confused but please trust us"

I look up at them and for the first time since I arrived, I decide to give them a chance.

"Okay" I whisper

The Alpha's stand there shocked, before a grin spreads across Connor's face while Jake sends me small smile, for once they actually look their age.

"I'm glad to see you're awake Flicker"

The Doctor walks in, shattering the peaceful moment between the Alpha's and I.

He gently grabs my arm, checking my pulse and then places his stethoscope over my heart. Unnecessary really, I'm sure he could easily hear my calm pace.

"How are you feeling Flicker", he asks

I pause for moment, the two Alpha's standing beside my bed seem suddenly intimidating again. I know I promised to trust them, but I would still leave if I were ever given the chance.

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