Chapter 26

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Author's Note

So just another massive thankyou to all your comments, even if I don't respond to them, every single one means the world to me, so thankyou again.

Life's getting a bit hectic again so I'll try updating as soon as I can.

I hope you like the chapter, this part of the story wasn't planned at all so I'm currently writing blind at the moment.


Chapter 26

My  body stills with fear as I look up facing them, my first instinct is to run and disappear but I knew that I would still be in the same situation a few hours later, instead I stay rooted in my spot.

I expect them to be furious with me, I'd surely be sent back to the pack cells where I'd spend the rest of my life.  The thing is, I didn't regret kissing Kyle it probably made me the worst mate in history but at this moment I really didn't care.

Glancing up I finally make eye contact with them, what I see surprises me. Jake's shoulders are slumped forward as he stands in front of me, his face is stoic but I can see the devastation behind his features.  His poignant state strikes at my heart, my whole mindset slowly changing as I begin to feel slightly horrible

Shifting my attention to Connor, his face is completely devoid of anger, instead he looks worse than Jake his eyes wet from fresh tears, he reminds me of a lost puppy who'd just been abandoned by its owner.  I feel the strong urge to comfort him but then I realise that I'm the sole reason why he's upset.

"Why" Jake asks nonchantly but I can still hear the sadness etched in his voice.

It takes me a moment to answer the question, the pain and sadness in this room is so thick that it takes me a moment to find my words. I never expected this response from the Alpha's, I never thought they'd be so hurt from my betrayal.

"I don't know" I mutter lowly

"That's not an answer" Jake snaps stepping closer to me

"I was angry" I hiss

"So you decided to kiss him" Jake says sardonically

"No, he kissed me" I defend myself but knowing that it would do little to help my case

"Well, you didn't exactly reject his affections did you"

I gasp, how could he know this?

"We were there Flicker" Connor adds, his voice so soft that it was only audible because of my werewolf hearing.  "We were going to apologise Flicker, we knew our actions last night were thoughtless and inconsiderate. We brought food and a blanket hoping to surprise you with a picnic"

My heart melts at his words, I feel absolutely awful now.

"You should"  Emma states

"But when we arrived, we saw you with kyle and.." His voice breaks and feel the urge to cry at how much pain I've caused both of them, it feels like a silver arrow slowly piercing my heart.

"I'm sorry" I apologise my voice thick with unshed tears.

"Sorry isn't good enough" Jake barks. "What you did Flicker was inexcusable, you cheated on us with another male and now he'll die because of it"

My eyes widen at his words, my worst thoughts coming to life, they had captured Kyle.

"The mutt will die at sunrise tomorrow and you will stand by our side as it happens"

"No" I cry. "I'll do anything please just don't do this"

Jake walks past me ignoring my plea,  Connor doesn't even glance my way and I feel like I've been punched in the stomach. In the space of a few hours I had destroyed everything, my best-friend was now going to die and my relationship with my mates was non-existent.

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