Chapter 38

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*not edited*

"I don't care," punch, "if it was an accident," slap, "you bitch!"

I then receive a kick to the stomach.

"I- I'm sorry," I cry out, squeezing my eyes shut.

Then it was silent.

The only noise was the sounds of my rapid heart beat and my father's heavy breathing.

"Jesse!" He suddenly yells, causing me to jump.

My eyes widen.

"No," I say to myself, "Jesse stay up there!" I call to him.

Father grabs a handful of my hair, and yanks me off the ground.

"Jesse, I suggest you get your ass down here," he yells, "now."

I hear a door slowly creek open, and then slow footsteps making their way down the stairs.

Jesse suddenly stood in front of us, and I feel myself growing uneasy.

I put my hand on my father's, that was still clutching my hair, and dig my nails into it.

"Ow, you bitch," he says as he drops me to the ground and kicks me in the stomach.

I try to ignore the pain, and crawl to Jesse.

He helps me stand up. I wrap an arm around my stomach and I stand in front of him.

"Come here, boy," father says.

But I don't let him.

He grits his teeth.

"I suggest you let him come here, or I'll do a whole lot worse," he says in a menacing tone.

I hesitate, but let him go.

He stands in front of Jim, and I feel everything in my body go tense.

Father raises his hand, and before I even had time to move, he slaps Jesse across the face, making it whip to the side.

My eyes widen as I quickly get in front of him, but father throws me out of the way, and kicks Jesse on the ground.

I cry out, and try to protect him again, but was punched to the ground.

Father continues his assault on my brother by kicking him in the stomach.

Once, then twice, then three times.

I scream, and jump to my feet again.

"Stop it!" I beg, "please stop!"

Jesse cried out when fathers foot connects with his stomach again.

I gather all the strength I could, and pull him away.

I quickly get on my knees, and cover Jesse's body with mine. But that didn't stop my father from anything.

He grabs my hair again, and pulls me across the room.

He gets on top of me, and punches me in the face.

My vision suddenly gets blurry, and my breathing becomes slower.

He then gets off, and leaves. Slamming the front door behind him.

I lay there, paralized.

"D- Dawn," I hear a strained voice say.

I try to take deep breaths, but only get dizzy.

Ryder's POV

I sit on the front porch with Beau, and scroll through pictures on my phone, deleting the ones I didn't like.

"Mrs. Detrik is making us-" Beau starts to say, but was suddenly interrupted by the sound of a slam.

We look to where the sound came from to be met with Dawn's house.

Her dad walks away from the porch and then yells, "fuck!"

My eyes widen at him.

He walks to his truck, and starts tugging at his hair with both hands.

I keep watching as he gets in his truck, and sits in it for a little bit.

After a few minutes, he finally leaves.

"You want to follow him?" Beau suddenly asks.

I look at him with surprisement.

Follow Dawn's dad? Well, he does do this a lot, and I have to admit I get curious as to where he's always speeding off to, and why.

As much as I wanted to say no, curiousness got the best of me.

"Let's go," I say as we both rush to the car.

He gets in the drivers seat, and starts to follow Dawn's father.

Am I aware if how weird this is? Yes I am.

Hey guys. I really wasn't too sure about this chapter and I'm honestly really scared to publish it.. I feel like its too much.. but my friend told me it's good and I haven't updated since like July so I'm going for it. Plus I felt like my book need more like eventfulness. I feel like its just dragging on. But don't worry. I have many new things coming up soon in this book (; i promise

Please vote and comment (I need feedback about this chapter cause I am really unsure about it)

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