Chapter 63

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I spin in slow circles in Ryder's desk chair as I try to ignore the uneasy feeling in gut. Not about being here, or with Ryder. It's just an unsettling feeling. Like something bad is going to happen. I ignore it for now, though.

Ryder comes back into the room, two glasses of chocolate milk in hand.

From a distance I can hear my brother and Ryder's sister giggling. I slightly smile at the sounds of joy.

"I was thinking that we could ditch the project for today and just hang out," Ryder says.

I just shrug, not really caring for the dumb project. It's due soon, and it's based on lies. What's the use in staying focused on it for now. I'm leaving anyways.

Well, when I get the guts to tell father, at least.

He lays on his bed and turns on the tv.

"Wanna join?" He asks, motioning to the bed.

I purse my lips.

"Come on, I don't bite," he snickers.

Aw, what the hell. It looks comfy.

I get up, and sit cris-cross beside his laying body as he turns on Family Guy.

We soon find ourselves laying on the pillows with me snuggling the blankets. I take a small whiff, he smells so good.

"Did you just sniff my blankets?" He asks with a comical tone.

I just shrug, completely shameless.

"You smell good," I say flatly. He laughs at this.

"Well thank you, sweetness," he smiles. I shove my face into the blanket to hide my blush.

Without meaning to, I find myself falling asleep.

Ryder's POV

Her breathing slows down and evens out. Telling me she fell asleep. I carefully run my fingers from her forehead, through her hair. I pull the blanket down a little and looked at how thin her jaw and neck were.

I frown as I slowly get up and leave the room, careful not to wake her.

"Mom," I say as I walk into the living room.

"Yes, son?" She looks up from the magazine she was flipping through. "Where's Dawn?"

"Asleep. I had a question."

"I may have an answer."

"How terrible would it be for us to.." I think of the right word to use, "inspect her body while she was asleep?"

Yes, yes I do realize how creepy that sounds.

She gives me a bewildered look.

"What?" She exclaimed.

"Here me out!" I very quickly try to defend myself. "All I'm saying is that if there really is something wrong with her physically, she would never show us. So what if you, a doctor, you know.. did it while she was asleep," I very slowly explained, carefully choosing my words.

"That is a total invasion of her privacy, son," she says.

"I know."

"And very risky."

"I am aware, mom."

"I'm in."

"Wha- really?" I say, shocked. I could feel my eyes bulging from my head.

"All we need to see is a tiny bit," she looks thoughtful, "we need to be careful."

With that, we slowly tiptoe into my room. And let me just say, she looks adorable when she drools in her sleep. Even though it's on my pillow.

She's sprawled out, half her body poking out of the navy colored blanket.

My mom grabbed the bottom of her shirt with the tips of her thumb and index finger and very, painfully slowly starts to pull it up.

God, please forgive us.

I then think of how mortified she'd be if she woke up. Especially if I saw. With that in mind, I swallow my curiosity and turn around. Facing the door.

I hear a small stir, and immediately stop breathing. I poke my head around to see that she's shifted to her stomach, and pulled the blanket up. Now showing none of her shirt. Ending all chances.

My mom quietly face palms and walks to my door.

"Now what?" I whisper.

"Nothing," she says defeated. "We wait until we have another chance, or until she tells us something, or we just never find out. Anything is possible."

With that, she leaves.

I let out a breath, feeling useless. I just want to help her.

Doing that probably wouldn't have helped anyways, I think to myself.

With a new, heavy sadness in my heart, I lay down and sleep beside her. My hand on top of hers.

The Bad and The BrokenOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant