Chapter 2

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Hey peoples!!! That's Dawn up there⬆️ here's chapter two! 😝

Dawn's POV.



"Please just... be careful..." Jesse told me.

"I will buddy. I will." I promised him

"Come here" I told him.

When he came over to me I wrapped my arms around him in a hug.

"DAWN!! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE NOW! I WILL NOT ASK YOU AGAIN!" Jim screamed from down stairs.

Jim is our sorry excuse of a father. He is an alcoholic. He has been an alcoholic and abusive since mom died.

I quickly let go of Jesse, my younger brother, and ran down stairs, as he shut, and locked the door.

When I got to the lounge room, I was greeted with a slap to the face.

"Next time I call you, you better be here the first time I call. Do you understand me?" He said threateningly, with his face close to mine so I could smell all the alcohol and cigarettes in his breath.

'Disgusting pig' I thought to myself.

"Yes sir." I told him.

"Good. Now make me dinner, you petty excuse of a duaghter" I told me. He then grabbed the back of my neck, and shoved me, rather hard, to the kitchen.

'Jeez. Didn't need to push, you ass hole' I thought to myself, although I really wanted to say it out loud.

Rule number 5- never talk back or question 'father' or it's a beating.

I've broken that rule once or twice. I won't do it again, but that's not a promise.

I started making veggie soup.

When I was done, I put some in a bowl for Jim, my 'father', and took it to him in the dining room.

I placed it down on the table mat and got him a paper towel, a spoon, and a bottle of beer.

I placed it down and he started eating.

I stood straight, waiting to be dismissed.

Rule 7- never leave, unless told or else you get punished.

I've broken that rule once. I got a few hits to the head and kicks to the ribs as punishment. Nothing too bad compared to other punishments.

"You may go." He told me.

"Yes sir." I replied, and then turned around to leave.

"Oh, and Dawn!" He called

I turned around suspiciously. He's never done this...

"Yes sir?" I asked, cautiously.

"We are moving again. Next week. So get things packed." He said.


"Yes sir" I told him.

I then went upstairs.

I got the key to the bedroom door off the top of the door sill from the door, across the hall.

I went inside the bedroom and called for Jesse

He came out of the closet and came up to me.

"He didn't hurt you did he?" He asked

"No. But I have news." I told him.

"Uh... Good or bad?" he asked.

"We are moving. Again" I told him with a sigh.

"Dammit! Why!" He said

"Language" I said sternly while pointing at him.

"Sorry. Sorry" he said putting his hands up in an ' I surrender' gesture.

"So where are we moving to?" He asked curiously.

"I don't know" I replied sadly.

" I Can ask" I told him.

"No way! Nope. I won't let you. You're no-"
But I interrupted him by waking out the door.

I slowly went down stares, to the lounge room.

Jim was watching tv.

"Um... sir?" I asked

"What?" He replied, annoyed.

"May I ask a question about where we are moving to- sir?" I stumbled out.

"We are moving to Florida." He said, he eyes still on the tv screen.

"While your down here..." he took a swing of beer from the Bud-wisser beer bottle, "I need you to do something" he continued, with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Before I could even blink, he was in front of me, with his right hand in a fist, and his arm back, ready to swing and punch me

I closed my eyes and waited for the impact.

Then, I fell straight to the ground, with a throbbing lip and jaw.

He then grabbed a fistful of my dark, curly brown hair, yanked me to my feet, earning a yelp of pain from me, and threw me to the stairs.

When I landed, I was on about the 6th step. There's 20 in all. I've counted them.

I rolled down the steps, and when I was on the floor again, I was in front of my fathers feet that had boots over them.

I looked up at him to see that he has a smirk of his face.

He then turned around and went back to watching tv.

I slowly rose to my feet and went up the stairs to the bedroom Jesse and I shared.

When I walked in, Jesse rushed over to me with a worried expression.

"Are you okay? how bad did he hurt you? do you need a wet cloth? Di-"

I cut off his rant if questions. "I'm fine." I said.

He looked at his feet, rocking back an forth from his heel to the ball of his foot.

"Go ahead and say it." I told him

"You sure?" He asked

"Yes. I'm sure." I told him.

He looked me in the eyes.

"I told you so." He said with a goofy grin.

"As you did." I agreed.

"So... we are moving to Florida." I told him.

"No way! I can't wait!! There's gonna be hot weather, and beaches, and fishing, and girls in bikinis." He ranted.

"Well I'm happy about the hot weather, beaches, and fishing, but not about the girls in bikinis." I told him, chuckling.

He blushed.

"Well, I'm gonna get in the shower. Go ahead and get in bed." I told him.

"Yes Ma'am" he said while puffing his chest out and saluting.

I chuckled.

When I got everything I needed for my shower, I went into the connected bathroom.

I striped and got in the shower.

I washed my hair and body and all a that stuff and got out.

I wrapped the towel around me like a dress type of thing and walked in front if the mirror.

I looked at my reflection.

I have dark, curly brown hair. I get the color from my dad and curliness from my mom.
I have emerald green eyes that used to be bright and full of life and freedom. But are now dull and full of sadness.
I have a button nose. And full pink lips. But my face and body is covered with bruises and scars.

My expression is always blank and has no emotion and I hide my emotions so that people can't read me or anything.

I got on my night clothes and went to bed. I need to get up early tomorrow so I can start packing everything.

The Bad and The BrokenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz