Chapter 60

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A/N: bare with me on this one y'all. It's 4 in the morning where I live (Georgia, US) and I literally just got done writing and publishing the last three chapters.  I'm running off of chocolate milk, y'all's support, and music right now. I also really have to pee but my house is scary asf in the dark. Also, for all of you that have messaged me and never got an answer, I've pretty much been logged off of Wattpad since my last updates. I've been MIA for like 10+ months, which I do apologize for. I'm not a bitch, I didn't ignore any of you, I just haven't been logged in. But anyways enjoy this short chapter 😊

Dawns pov

"Do you think we can trust Ryder?" I ask Jesse.

He looks at me, an expression of disbelief on his face.

"Yes, Dawn, I think we can trust Ryder," he says in a 'duh' tone.

"Enough to use him as a safe place?"

He looks thoughtful, yet confused. "What do you mean?" He asks.

"Like, if dad goes crazy, and you have to run again. Would Ryder be an option for you to run to?" I explain. He considers this for a little bit.

"Yeah, sis," he finally says, "I would trust him with that."

I just give a nod in response, keeping that deep in my mind, then tell Jesse we should get to school.

When we get there, I go about my day just like any other. That is, until Ryder approached me, and I immediately felt like my day would be somewhat better than usual.

"Hey, Dawn, I was wondering if you would sit with me at lunch?" He asked. I have a quick thought about it, and decided to say no, but before I could do anything Jesse was answering for me.

"She'd love to!" He beamed.

"Great," Ryder smirked, "I'll see you at lunch." With that, he walked away.

"Asshole," I muttered to Jesse before walking away, ignoring his faint laughter behind me.
Authors note: I passed tf out right here and am now finishing it at a reasonable time

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