Chapter 6 - He kissed her

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Katherine's POV

Placing my hands in my jacket's pocket, I walked swiftly inside the woods , nothing seems to stop me. The place is scary with all these tall trees and the darkness surrounding me , not to mention the background whispers.

Even though , i am not scared.

Because at the very far end, i can see a source of light , I don't know from where it is coming , i just feel myself pulled toward it.

So I walked and walked for what felt like years but I didn't get tired , my whole body feels light.

I took one last step and reached the light , and suddenly everything around me disappeared.

Everything became oddly white.

The walls , the ceiling , the floor , it is all white.

The surrounding didn't give me the peace i was craving. No, it is the exact opposite, it just made me miss the darkness outside.

So I walked around trying to find an exit , but with no use. It is like i am walking in a maze , or that i am just going in circular motion always getting back to the same point i started from.

Feeling fear rushing in my chest , I stopped.

I closed my eyes and placed my head in my hands trying to block myself , thinking maybe when i am going to open them all this would just disappear.

Suddenly , a hand touched my shoulder making me jump panicked.

Something was so odd about all of this, it doesn't look real. But in the moment I couldn't register anything as i felt the need to turn and see whoever touched me.

Slowly and carefully, i turned my head.

My eyes widened and my breath hitched in my throat and a low gasp escaped my lips.

His twinkling blue eyes stared at mine and a big smile crawled to his lips.

"Chase." It came out low , a mere whisper , as if i am breathing in his name.

If it's even possible, his smile grew wider at the sound of his name coming out of my mouth.

His hand went and cupped my cheek . Due to his touch i directly closed my eyes and pressed my head further into his palm.

This is not real.

This can't be real..

"I missed you." I said , my eyes still closed enjoying the warmth his touch filled me with.

"I missed you too." Hearing his voice , I couldn't help the first tear that escaped from the corner of me eye.

I opened my eyes afraid if i kept them close all of this would disappear.

His eyes directly held mine captive pulling me toward him even more.

I couldn't avert my gaze away , I couldn't help not take into him. I don't understand.

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