Chapter 14 - You're my home

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Katherine's POV

The door was immediately pushed open , and the pain was just increasing that I couldn't seem to stand still on my feet anymore.

"Oh sh*t !" I heard Alex say before i felt his arms around me.

"Katherine !" He said palming my cheek before he lifted me up in his arms.

The pain was increasing and so was my fear , i wanted to say something but my voice came slowly as a whimper in pain , i wanted to run toward any doctor but my legs failed me.

I felt i was slowly losing my conscious.

Alex was moving quickly but I didn't know to where , he was saying something but I couldn't even hear.

He was even shouting but i don't know at whom.

But after that everything around went into oblivion as i closed my eyes and felt darkness taking me over.


I opened my eyes , but they were too heavy, so i closed them again.

My head was pounding , my thoughts were so blurry that I can't seem to remember what happened or where i am.

But then it all came back and it hit me really hard.

My baby.

I snapped my eyes open , feeling fear rushing in my veins, feeling my heart racing and my throat so dry.

The first thing i saw was a white coat moving.

After focusing my vision and trying to concentrate more , i saw a man who i suppose is the doctor.

"Can you hear me ? " he said inching closer , his hand went toward the area under my eye as he stared into my eyes.

But i ignored him as my hand frantically went toward my belly.

"Don't worry , your baby is okay." The same man said.

I let out a shaky breath , releasing the fear with it.

I closed my eyes for a brief second feeling so relieved that my baby is okay.

I almost lost my mind at the thought that something happened.

I looked beside me and that's when i noticed Alex standing there , his brows were furrowed as he looked at me and i can sense how worried he is from the look in his eyes.

"You're sure my baby is fine ?" I asked looking at the doctor again as i tried to get up and sit on the bed.

"Yeah , don't worry." The doctor said , "I think what happened is because of stress , you're probably not resting well and i can see you're not eating as you're supposed to."

"This happens to many women during pregnancy , because their body becomes so fragile to handle even small things , so you need to take care of yourself, eat well and stay away from stress as possible as can." He paused , "You should make some tests as well , so we can make sure that there is no other complications."

His words made me panic again ,"I already made some required tests." I said directly interrupting him, "They are with my doctor."

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