Chapter 2: Drag Queen

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(A/N- The clothes Will later puts on are these ^^^)

Dipper pulled into the bar. "Okay we're here" He said smiling. They all got out of the car and walked inside. It was dark but had dim lights.

"Hoho~ if it isn't my favorite waitresses!" A fat man with a long beard chuckled. A fake laugh came from the three of them as the man hugged and kissed them. "Will are you gonna be entertaining again tonight?" The man asked. Will nodded "Yeah, I've been looking at magazines for new ideas".

"You know de best" The man said with a fake french accent. Will smiled and rubbed his arm, embarrassed. "I love working here, I wouldn't want to let you down" He beamed. He then proceeded to show the bearded man his magazine and explained new dresses and idea's. "Is it good Ralph?" He asked tilting his head. Ralph nodded a lot "Indeed my boy! You make up at least half this bar!".

Dipper and Bill coughed loudly gaining Ralph's attention. "Hehe and you too Dipper and Bill" the man chuckled, backing away a bit "now go get changed!". He then ran off to god-knows-where.

Will sighed a bit before going into his changing room. At first he applied his makeup, regular foundation, mascara, false lashes, pink lipstick, and more mascara. Then he undressed himself and stared at the mirror. Tears came to his eyes as he looked down at himself "Ngh... Don't cry W-Will, y-your fine" he sniffed.

Will grabbed his new clothes* and beamed. He pulled them on and tied the back. Giggling, he twirled a bit before adding some extensions and curling his hair. Then he slowly took some steps back and looked in the mirror again. This time he smiled "you are ready Will".

Walking out of his dressing room, he already saw customers waiting. Dipper put on a brown straight haired wig and had a waitress costume on, and Bill also had a waitress costume on but no wig. Shyly, Will went and joined them. "Welcome!" All three said in unison as people crowded in.

*Time skip*
"Yo Dipper" A older boy with black hair said. "What is it Robbie" Dipper spat out rolling his eyes. "There is a cool bar and me and my friends wanna know if you wanna come! It's pretty awesome, ya know?" The black haired boy said excited. Dipper stared at Robbie before shrugging "Fine, it's better than doing nothing". Robbie pumped his hands in the air but Dipper's glaring made him stop.

The bar was close enough to walk so Dipper, Robbie, Tamre, and Wendy all went to the bar together. Tamre wouldn't stop talking the whole time which gave Dipper a headache. Robbie even had to hold Wendy back when Tamre started to talk about Wendy's Ex's. That part made Dipper chuckle a bit.

"Welcome" A man with blonde and black hair said grinning, opening the door for them. Dipper just nodded at him and walked inside, everyone else just trailed behind him. They were seated at a table close to the front by a brunette with long fake hair. Then thunderous applause were heard making everyone snap their heads up.

On stage was a beautiful girl with long blue hair and piercing yellow eyes who was bowing in thanks. Everyone was cheering and Dipper's mouth was agape, taken away by the beauty.

The girl got off stage and walked to their table, a notepad in her hands. She was staring down at her notepad, smiling and blushing. Then she turned to the table.

"May I take your order" She asked. Dipper was marveled at her sweet deep voice. 'Yes I'd like you' He thought to himself. The girl looked up at each one of them and once she got to Dipper her eyes widened in fear. This made Dipper confused. She began to stutter and shake making everyone stare. "U-u-uhh i'm s-so-sorry, can y-you repeat what you said" she mumbled, blushing in embarrassment.

Dipper recognized the stuttering almost immediately. A confused look plastered on his face "Will?" He asked. Will's eyes widen but he put on a fake smile "my name isn't will!". Dipper then pointed to his name tag and a deathly glare marked on his face "I beg to differ". Will began to sweat again, trying to think fast.

"It's short for Willow" He said grinning falsely. Everyone was quite but believed him non the less. Yet, Dipper still stared at him. Especially in the eyes. Will got their orders and quickly went to get their drinks, wanting to tell Dipper pines immediately. Unfortunately, Dipper pines was taking an order across the table he did not want to go to. In the end, he decided to wing it and let fate take course.

"Sorry for the wait! Here are your drinks" Will said kindly. They all thanked him yet before they could order food, he heard his name being called. Since Bill was close by, he let him take over the table and got onto the stage. All eyes watched him as he smiled and waved.

"Work from home" by fifth harmony came on and Will did his usual dancing to it while lip singing. The crowd cheered and it felt like his vision was clouded by the peoples voices. He ended the dance by doing a split and raising his hands in the air. The crowd applaud and he bowed. Then he looked at his watch. '8:30'.

Will got off the stage and went to his dressing room. He took off all the makeup and clothes, then put on a large sweatshirt and jeans. He looked like a boy now which made him frown. "If only I could stay here longer" he mumbled and walked out of the changing room.

He walked home alone that night...

*Sneak Peak*
Will woke up regularly and got dressed in his normal, geeky pants with the button up shirt. He was tired from his work last night, he almost didn't sleep because he was so worried about his identity being known.

Exhausted, he pulled himself down stairs and saw Bill and Dipper watching Bill Nye on the couch. They both had cups of coffee in their hands and were at least wrapped in 3 blankets. Dipper noticed Will immediately and gave him a smile. Bill on the other hand was so groggy that he only gave a small groan to his presence.

Will took his backpack and held a apple, soon after, taking a bite out of the apple. When he reached to get his glasses, he was surprised to not find it there. "Um guys, do you know where my glasses are" he asked worriedly. Both Bill and Dipper shook their heads 'No'. "It's not here!" Will said loudly, freaking out.

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