Chapter 3: Wait for me

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Will woke up regularly and got dressed in his normal, geeky pants with the button up shirt. He was tired from his work last night, plus he almost didn't sleep because he was so worried about his identity being known.

Exhausted, he pulled himself down stairs and saw Bill and Dipper watching Bill Nye on the couch. They both had cups of coffee in their hands and were at least wrapped in 3 blankets. Dipper noticed Will immediately and gave him a smile. Bill on the other hand was so groggy that he only gave a small groan to his presence.

Will took his backpack and a apple, as a snack for later. When he reached to get his glasses, he was surprised to not find it there. "Um guys, do you know where my glasses are" he asked worriedly. Both Bill and Dipper shook their heads 'No'. "It's not here!" Will said loudly, freaking out.

"You might have left it at school, since you didn't have them on when we picked you up" Bill said scratching his chin. Will thought back to when he dropped all his stuff and his glasses were- "DIPPER HAS THEM" He cried. Dipper look confused "Why would I-" he was cut off my Bill laughing "He means Dipper Gleeful".

Bill began to peck Dippers lips until a loud banging came from the door. "Bill if it's time baby-" Will started before opening the door. There stood Time baby who seemed to be very cranky. "IM SORRY" Will shrieked and used his powers to blow him up before Time baby even had the chance to throw a tantrum. "Oh sh*t Will" Bill laughed.

Will turned to Bill "for that, you are coming with me to get my glasses". Bill began to pout as he got up. He then reached a hand out for Dipper "I'm only doing this for you sapling". Winking, Bill left the house. "He took my car keys, didn't he" Dipper groaned. Will giggled "Yeah, I'll make sure that the car won't crash though".

They pulled up to the school about 5 minutes before the bell rang. "So we're looking for Dipper right, do you know where he..." Bill trailed off. "He has golf practice at 6 and at 6:30 he has karate practice. Since it's 6:55, he should be leaving the karate club" Will said aloud. "You sure you aren't a stalker" Bill asked creeped out. This made Will chuckle "I'm still a demon ya know".

They locked the car door and walked inside the school building. "So the plan is, you ask him for my glasses and if he doesn't give it- you take them" Will explained. Bill rolled his eyes "how about you do the verbal and I do action, deal?" "Deal".

Will trembled a bit as he knocked on the karate club's door. He stared down at his feet and twiddled his thumbs a bit before hearing the door open. There stood a sweaty Dipper who had a towel wrapped around his neck. "Ugh it's the geek" He mumbled. Will didn't make eye contact with him when he spoke "Can I have my glasses, please?". The brunette laughed "Why should I?". Will flinched and backed away a bit.

"Just give him the f***ing classes Gleeful" Bill said bored. Dipper took his eyes off Will and toward Bill, then his eyes widened. "You were the waitress last night" Dipper said surprised. Bill nodded "Yeah, so what? Give the glasses back. I have a sexy pine tree I need to f-" Will put his hand over Bill's mouth "You will not finish that sentence".

Sighing, he looked up at Dipper. "Please can I have my glasses back" He begged cutely. A light pink blush came upon Dippers cheeks. He stared into the piercing yellow eyes, mouth agape again. Bill had to cough loudly 3 times before Dipper got out of his trance.

"You were the lady at the Bar!" Dipper said loudly, grabbing Will's shoulders. Will shook a little, trying to get out of Dipper's grasp. "I-I'm sorry, but I'm not" "you are!" "I'm not!" "Yes you are!". Will's eyes began to water and he pushed Dipper away "So what if I am? You are gonna tell the whole school that I'm a transvestite or a drag queen now, right?".

Will looked down, shaking. Then someone grabbed his shoulders again. When he looked up, glasses were slammed onto his eyes. "Ow" He groaned, rubbing his face. "I won't tell anyone, but you owe me" Dipper growled turning away. "T-thank you" Will smiled. Dipper seemed to shiver a bit "Creep".

The Cipher twins went back to the car. People were already in the school building yet none bothered the two. "Make sure not to crash Dipper's car" "Will do! Be sure not to crash into Dipper's dic-" "BILL!" Will gasped, face flushed red "Disgusting!". Bill laughed and waved goodbye, pulling the windows up then driving off. Will stood behind and waved to him.

Turning back to his school, he decided not to miss class again. So the day went on regularly, being unnoticed by basically everyone and whenever he was he was just laughed at. He was used it though, so it was fine for him.

*Time Skip*
Gym was the last period for Will. Luck was on his side for every period but this one. Despite not being good at sports, Dipper was also in his class. The Gym teacher didn't really teach. Instead he made them all run a mile.

What sucked even more was the fact that he didn't have any gym clothes so he had to borrow a pair. It was a light gray pair of sweatpants and a black tank top. He honestly didn't like showing his body but he couldn't help it. He also had to put his glasses away in the locker room.

"Jog 4 times around the field, okay? GO!" The Gym teacher yelled, motioning for the kids to start jogging. Everyone began to run across the field, Will being in the back. 'I'm not a fast runner' He sadly thought to himself. He began to think about random stuff while taking his time.

Will passed the 3rd lap, basically out of breathe. He was huffing a bit and his vision wasn't focused. He actually bumped into someone making him fall over. "Ow" he mumbled getting up. When he looked upward he saw Dipper waiting there for him. "Common, I already finished and you are only on your 4th!" He said putting his hands to his hips.

Will seemed to be embarrassed yet was shocked when Dipper suddenly grabbed his hand. "Let's go slowpoke" He growled jogging next to Will. This made him smile a bit and nod "okay!". Will honestly knew that he could use his demon powers to finish fast but he wanted this time to last. Both of them didn't say a word as they passed the finish line.

'I wonder what changed in Dipper' Will thought silently

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