Chapter 11: True or scare

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"Truth or dare" Dipper sighed, already bored. He was actually quite tired from all the date stuff, since driving everywhere was not his cup of tea.

Will on the other hand seemed amused with the game, even though people we're giving him a nasty look.

"Dare" A girl asked Dipper, giggling.

Dipper seemed to think for a minute before smirking "Say 'You are so adorable Will'" He mocked using her high preppy voice.

The girl tensed up.

"Dipper don't be mean to the others" Will whined, squeezing his cheek, cheeks puffed.

When he did that, the whole group gasped. No one has ever dared to do anything so disrespectful to him, not even his own mother.

What shocked them more is that Dipper didn't stop him.

"Okay, I won't if you do a dare that I ask you" He bargained. He didn't even pay any mind to the whispering voices.

Will seemed to think for a minute, glancing into Dipper's eye's. "Hmm" He bit his lip before sighing "Okay". Smirking, Dipper looked at the rest of the group "So, what should we make Will's dare?".

Will gasped, crossing his arms. Since he kind of was the demon of deals, he saw the error in his wording. Although that didn't stop him from having an internal tantrum.

The others seemed pretty excited to give Will a dare.

Dipper covered Will's ears as they talked about what kind of dare they we're gonna give him.

Soon enough, his ears we're free. "So what's my dare" The boy asked, a little nervous. Looking around, it didn't seem very good.

"So Will" Mabel started "Do you know The Lake?". Will's eyes widened before giving a nervous chuckle "Hahaha what?? What even are lakes? Aren't they just unappreciated puddles of water??" He tried laughing it off, yet a nervous and awkward atmosphere still surrounding him.

Everyone stared at him, making the poor boy feel uncomfortable. Even Dipper seemed pretty confused on why Will was acting this way.

"Do you not like water" Dipper asked "We can change the dare you know-"

"No we can't, a dare is a dare. Mr. Put a fork in the electrical outlet, it's a dare" Mabel cut him off. Now it was Will's turn to look at Dipper "A fork?". Dipper shrugged "I was 8".

Chuckling a bit, Will turned backed to the others "What Do I have to do?".

"Okay we are gonna go to the lake, and try to scare you!" A girl said, excited. A boy with blackish hair, rubby?, also added "You have to go alone". "And you have to go alone, no Dipper" A blonde girl finished. (Ha get it? Btw Blonde people are amazing though *cough* Bill)

Will knew it was a bad Idea to do this but, he refused to back down. "Okay, do I get a flashlight?" The blue haired boy asked. The group shook their heads no leaving him dumbfounded.

"You know, didn't like, someone die there a few years back or something?" "YEah and that drowning boy" "There was screaming all night!" The group talked

Mabel got up first, the group following soon after.

"You have to get up Will" Dipper said to the now spooked boy. Will shakily got up, hoping his nightmares weren't gonna come true. Perhaps this was Bill's revenge.

"You okay?" Dipper asked, walking behind Will, holding his shoulders so he didn't fall or anything.

"Y-Yeah. Just a little worried" Will mumbled, holding onto Dipper's arm.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 15, 2016 ⏰

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Don't run away! (Rev!Falls BillDip/WillDip)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang