Human and Siren Alike

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The night breeze was cold. The forest was dark and the trees were looking so menacing with the way the darkness of the night and the light of the moon casting down on it.

Thalia hugged herself tightly, as they walked through the forest. After the guys had a laugh fest earlier, they had decided to wait out a bit before coming back in the house. An hour or two later, they were now strolling in the dark forest with only the moon as their light.

Goosebumps were all over her body, wearing only a short-sleeved yellow shirt and a pair of pants to cover her shivering body. She was not wearing any shoes for she didn't have the chance to wear it earlier because of her hasty departure. She was left with wearing white socks with yellow stars all over it, she winced every time that she stepped on something hard or sharp.

The guys offered to carry her but she insisted that she could walk through, now she was clearly regretting her choice. Her teeth are chattering, as she kept on rubbing her arms to give them warmth. Johnson and Xerxes continued to walk ahead of her, talking animatedly.

For the second time that night, she felt like a third wheel. She hated it but she can't say it to them because she was too shy and felt like it will be awkward for them because they didn't know her that well.

Suddenly, Thalia tripped on a large tree root. She fell face-first on the ground, her body slumped on the dirty forest floor. She felt her face stung and her knees as well. She groaned in pain and put her arms beside her to push herself out of the ground. Then she felt hands trying to help her up, she glanced up to see Johnson's worried face and Xerxes' frowning one.

"Are you okay?" Johnson asked, worry laced on his tone. Thalia tried to nod her head but realized that her face stung badly so she decided to just shake her head no.

Xerxes let out a tired sighed and helped Thalia stand up, "Clumsy girl."

"Sorry. I wasn't looking at what I have been walking on," She replied, sheepishly.

Xerxes rolled his eyes  and replied in sarcasm, "Clearly."

When she finally managed to stand up straight, she bent her right knee. Feeling it sting whenever she tries to stand up straight. Johnson was at her left side while Xerxes was on her left, they have their arms around her waist and her arms around them. She looked down to see a tear on her jeans, her right knee was wounded and the blood was not much but it was enough to get on her jeans.


"Alright, Ms. Clumsy. You're going to be carried whether you like it or not." Johnson put his arm under her legs and lifted her up to the ground. Xerxes removed her arm around him and placed it on her side. He also removed his jacket and placed it on Thalia's shivering body.

"You know, you could've asked for my jacket if you're cold. I didn't really need it," Xerxes said, and Thalia just replied with a weary smile.

'Yeah like it wouldn't be embarrassing to just come up to your face and demand your jacket.' Thalia thought.

The Vampire and The IdiotNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ