Not the same plan

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"He needs her and he won't let him go until I bring her to him."

Mariano, Jonhson, and Adriano looked deep in thought while Thalia look infuriated. Sylvester laid in the bed, looking as weak as ever and slowly trying to heal himself.

Ever since he arrived the group had been agitated and going back and forth to help Sylvester, so far, they had cleaned all of his wounds, his ribs and left arm had broken bones in it and they couldn't do anything about it because it is all up to his wolf now to heal it.

Thalia sat in the bed next to Sylvester while the other guys scattered all around the room. They were all silent aside from Thalia who is breathing heavily from the anger she felt towards the man who did this to her friend.

Suddenly, she stood up from the bed, the guys followed her movement and had baffled looks on their faces. "Thalia, what's wrong?"

She faced Mariano and took a deep breath before speaking, "Xerxes talked to me earlier using that thingy where he could speak through my thought. I don't know what is it called though-"

"Telepathy," Johnson chimed in.

"Yeah whatever, anyways, he told me to come and save him from a girl name Lucy Liu and he told me that you guys know a tracking stuff to locate him." Thalia finished and waited for their reaction.

"Very well, I'll do the spell," Mariano spoke, making Johnson and Adriano look at him with quirked eyebrows.

They were surprised at the hasty decision of their friend, they didn't even absorb the new information yet, but their friend had already concluded on what he will contribute to the plan.

"Johnson I want you to go to Xerxes' house and grab the ingredients that I will give you," Mariano ordered. Then he faced Adriano who looked angered and was looking at Thalia with hatred in his eyes. He knew that Adriano was still irked by Thalia's presence and blames her for everything and if he didn't do anything soon, the dragon prince might actually hurt the girl.

Mariano walked to Adriano and placed a hand on his shoulder, "Adriano I want you to come with me. Once we tracked Xerxes' location, I want you and Johnson to come with me to save him. Alright?"

Adriano's eyes were still on Thalia but nodded his head with his friend's plan. They all loved Xerxes like a brother and they couldn't leave their friend in Luciano's hand for more than a day for they knew that they might not see him again.

Cooperation was needed for all of them, momentarily distractions will keep them from getting there on time.

"How about Thalia and Sylvester?" Johnson blurted out.

Mariano looked at Johnson and Thalia, his eyes switching from her to Johnson. "They'll be safe here. No need to worry," He assured him, calmly.

Mariano looked at Thalia and she stared back with innocent eyes, "Stay here and take care of him alright?" he spoke to her with an authoritative voice, she nodded her head obediently. She didn't trust her mouth to speak. 

"We need to go now, come on." With that, they sped out of the door, leaving a confused Thalia and a stoic Sylvester.

Thalia looked at Sylvester to see him already staring at her, the emotions on his face was confusing. She couldn't read it clearly, but she was sure he was having an inner battle with himself and she wouldn't want to interrupt that.

They heard the slam of the front door, signaling the absence of the guys, leaving them all alone in the house. Luckily, the rooms were also on the first floor and they could hear clearly if the doors were opened or closed.

"Sylvester are you hungry?" Thalia asked him with uncertainty in her voice. She still feels on edge with him, she didn't know if he hated her just like Adriano or was still the same man she met a week ago.

Sylvester however, was not glaring at her or neither smiling at her. His face was stoic and unreadable. "Yeah sure," Was his only curt reply before closing his eyes and letting out a deep breath.

"What do you want to eat?" She added.


Thalia nodded even if he couldn't see her and excused herself out of the room. She closed the door, gently and walked to the kitchen. All the while, her mind was also having a battle inside. She can't let it show, and she won't let it show.

Hiding it in secret is already eating her up but it is either that or she will curse herself for all eternity for not following her instincts. However, the danger of her decision could lead her safety into the hands of death and she certainly didn't want that.

Thalia felt like a walking robot. She felt numb at the moment. She walked around the kitchen to find some edible human food to feed herself and Sylvester. She needed her strength for her plan and she knew if she didn't eat anything, her plan will fail and she will end up not seeing the bright light of day again.

Thankfully, she found a sliced ham, mayonnaise, and lettuce in Adriano's fridge. She almost gave up because his fridge was either filled with blood or a huge heart of some creature. But she was sure it didn't belong to a human because the heart was the size of her laptop. However, she did try hard not to vomit and keep herself from eating when she saw those stuff on his fridge and she did double check if the ham she found was made from a pig and not from human flesh. Luckily, it was and she didn't have to stay with just lettuce.

After she made four sandwiches, she sat on the stool and started eating the two sandwiches, occasionally drinking water from her glass. She found some really strange looking juices on Adriano's fridge but she just settled on water, to play it safe.

Holding a plate and a glass of water in hand, she marched back to where Sylvester is currently in. She placed the glass of water on the ground first before opening the door slowly, the creaking sound of it made her cringe. Then she peeked inside to see Sylvester on the bed with his eyes still closed. Not wasting any more time, Thalia picked up the glass of water and entered the room.

She slowly placed the plate and glass on the bedside table and quietly tried to leave the room.

"Where are you going?"

"Mother fudger!" Thalia jumped in shock. Her heart almost jumped out of her chest with Sylvester's voice.

She placed a hand on her frantic heart and faced him. She saw how his eyes were still closed and he was still in the same position earlier in the bed.

"I-uh...I was going to have a shower because I- uh...feel icky," Thalia fiddled with her fingers behind her back as she lied through her teeth.

Sylvester let out a hum which she wasn't sure if it was in agreement or something else. "Fine, but come back soon okay?"


"Because we're going to follow the guys and we need to help them," Sylvester said, and Thalia just nodded her head.

"Eat up! I'll be back soon!" Thalia hastily replied before running out of the door, she closed it and slumped her body to it. That was so close and she couldn't afford her plan to crumble.

She quickly walked to the room adjacent to Sylvester's and closed the door, before locking it securely. Thalia walked to the bathroom inside the room and opened the shower. The water hastily fell from the shower head, the loud noise that it made will be enough to cover the noises that she will make. With determination, she started setting her plan in motion.

Taking the folded paper in her front jean pocket and placing it on the center of the well-made bed. 

One chance is all she got and one mess could lead her to her death. 

The Vampire and The IdiotTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon