A friend in need

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So much pain.

That's what Xerxes felt at the moment. He couldn't see anything but darkness, he can't open his eyes for the moment but he knew his body is incapable of moving. He felt his hands bound by something and it held his wrist tightly, he also felt some restrictions on his torso, something rugged and thick was around him, he guessed that it was a thick rope.

Xerxes' head was spinning; his throat was as dry as the desert. His whole body screamed in pain, each movement caused him to grunt and whimper in pain. He hated how pathetic he became, remembering the times where he suffered the same fate in his past also with the same man.

"That damn bastard," He croaked out, his voice was raspy and it hurt to speak.

He knew he couldn't use his powers to get out of the bounds and heal himself due to his weak state, his energy could only make him do so much so he tried his best to channel his powers, using the energy he had left to try and use his telepathy. Out of all his gifts, telepathy was the one gift he was always going to be grateful for. He found it very useful in a lot of times, especially in danger.

Xerxes focused on contacting his friends, making his head hurt even more. He could feel his nose dripping with blood, from the exerted force he is doing. He needed to find an open connection to either one of his friends; if they have closed their minds then he is doomed.

He found one open.

However, it is neither of his friends but she will do.

Thalia is the only one who had an open connection, his friends had theirs closed. Xerxes let out a curse but if she is the only one who could save him, he will have to push down his guilt.

'Thalia,' Xerxes called her name softly, his connection to her was weak; nonetheless, it is still a connection.

Thalia blinked, stopping her rant in mid sentence when she heard a voice inside her head. She gazed in Adriano's irked face in confusion, and he stared back with an arched brow.


"I thought I heard someone call my name," Thalia spoke with disbelief.

Adriano rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest, "Great, you're stupid and delusional. What's next?" Thalia slapped his arm hard and Adriano hissed. He didn't feel any pain he just wanted to make her think it hurts.


She heard it again and she could've sworn it wasn't anyone in the room. It was inside her head and she was sure of it, she must be crazy but she was sure it wasn't her imaginary voices.

'Thalia, it's me...Xerxes,' the voice continued, making Thalia gasped.

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