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We drove for hours. It was already dark. There weren't any police cars or helicopters chasing us so I assumed that was a good sign. Finally we arrived at Ben city. It was a small town, one of everything. I parked at the motel.

"I'll go get us a room." Alysha yawned.

She went out to the front desk and I changed from my orange jumper to the clothes she had got me. She came back with keys to the last room.

"Now what." She lay on the bed.

"Get some sleep."

"What about you?"

"I'm okay." I said holding Danny's book.

"What's that?"

I sat on the edge of the bed and opened the book. It was his notes for me, what he had found out on Danielle for me.

"You're still going to do this?" She asked looking over my shoulder.

"Yes I am."

"Then get some rest, we have a long drive."

"We can't stay in the same car."

"Well there's a rude couple in 13b with a nice car, we can switch the plates again."

"When did you turn so badass?" I smiled.

She smiled and kissed me, dragging me back on the bed.

The next morning I slipped out of the room before dawn. I grabbed some breakfast from the store across the street. As I was grabbing my change the muted TV displayed a picture of me with the caption "prisoner escapes." I rushed out of there as soon as possible gripping the two coffees in my hand. When I got back to the room Alysha had just woken up.

"Hey where'd you go?' She asked sleepy.

"Got us some coffee." I placed her cup on the night stand.

"You should've let me go."

"It's fine. Plus I wanted to go out and see what the real word was like." I laughed embarrassed.

"Isn't that cute." She smirked and blew me a kiss.

"They got my picture out on the news."

"What about me?"

"Guess your father doesn't want anyone to know."

She rolled her eyes getting out of bed.

"We better get going fast then."

I grabbed the book Danny had given me.

"Well we better find a way to Arlington."

"I think I've been there before for a convention or something."

"We need a car, the drive is pretty long."

"I got this." She walked out the front door.

I took another sip into my coffee then went into the bathroom still skimming through the black book.  I read through the pages and notes. It was filled with cut out articles. It was like he was obsessed with making her the bad guy. At the last page of the book was the article of the burning down of the café near her house. And the bottom it was written "Dear Jace, I know you've read through this journal at this point. I wanted to warn you to be careful. Even if you don't believe me, look at all this evidence. If Danielle or Samantha or whatever her name is, is really trying to destroy her past, seeing you might cause her to want to kill you too. Good luck. Danny"

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