originality is dead.

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originality is dead, as in DEAD. the things around you were just based off of other things that were based off of other things that were based off of other things that were based off of others things—YOU GET WHAT I MEAN. this book is actually unoriginal, and even this rant is unoriginal.

you see, people try copying others work or shall i say:  people "get inspiration" from other people. they adapt the work of someone else and make a few alterations so they can call it their own, but overall, it still isn't original. you know what's original? MY BOOK TITLE HA YES NO ONE ELSE HAS GOT THIS TITLE

well, at least i think that in the perimeters of wattpad, no one else has it. BUT WAIT OF COURSE IT'S NOT ORIGINAL OVERALL. of course it's based on something. originality is dead, remember? witch fit is actually taken from one of the famous lines or phrases from the movie white chicks. it's supposed to be "bitch fit," but i'm too nice to actually use the b word so i replaced it with a w. [kinda ironic since i just mentioned the word ha]

ANYWAY, yes, originality is dead. let me get that point across to you by using wattpad as an example. the stories thriving on this site are BAD BOY STORIES, ALPHA SOMETHING SERIES, STOCKHOLM SYNDROME STORIES, and the like. you've probably seen many writers here speak of their annoyance about this, but i'm not here to pour gasoline on the fire. well, not much, that is. i won't fully bash on the writers of these stories.

let me speak about the negatives first. we are given lesser options. what i mean is that when we try searching for a new book to read, we find ourselves limited. probably 35% of the books have the same plot, similar titles, and even the SAME CAST. I GET IT FRANCISCO LACHOWSKI IS HANDSOME

well yeah, as you can see above

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well yeah, as you can see above.

BUT, would it really hurt to cast some new faces? 

moving on, we are given the impression that our generation isn't improving especially in terms of writing. it's like we can't brew new ideas anymore. we are being served the same things over and over again. i don'y understand why people aren't getting tired of these. [probably because of lack of options?]

like i said, originality is dead. yes, i know it's hard to come up with unique plots, but i hope y'all don't resort to writing about something you've already seen. WRITE SOMETHING YOU HAVEN'T READ OF YET. write the things YOU WOULD LIKE TO READ ABOUT. don't go posting the same thing just for the sake of getting something out.

i honestly admire people that adapt clichés and make them their own by adding twists or mixing them together to create something new. take for example, hepburnettes. she takes a cliché or two, and ends up with something so fresh and beautiful. we need more writers like that. we need diversity.

you don't have to pressure yourself into making something completely brand new. that's a very hard thing to do. our species is already thousands of years old. it feels like people before us have already soaked up all the originality. as of now, we don't have it.

the challenge now is TO MAKE YOUR OWN CLICHÉ. don't be like the rest. STAND OUT. trust me, it'll feel so great to be appreciated for something you know you thought of, and not for something you just copied.

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