if the shoe fits, wear it.

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alright so whenever i read one post about zodiac signs, i end up reading 100 others and spending over an hour doing so. and although the times when they're correct are probably just coincidences more than anything, i still read them. same thing goes when they're not accurate, i still read them. i'm sure i'm not the only one. based on the number of people who follow those accounts and its posts, there are thousands of people who like boosting their self-esteem by reading these zodiac sign things. I TELL YOU, those things will make you feel better about yourself hah

so in this part, i'll do something similar to that. i'll just be describing the signs based on the people that i know that are that sign. if you're reading, tell me what you are and if the shoe fits, then wear it. (WADDUP TITLE REFERENCE) just comment if the way i described your sign does correspond to you.

aries (march 21 - april 19)

-have so many plans and dreams, but their lazy ass gets in the way. passionate about the things they like. good !! writers !! but so underrated :( when insulted, say they don't care but are crying inside. love it when they get attention (definitely deserve it though). woke and open-minded. will understand you but are misunderstood.

taurus (april 20 - may 20)

-soooo nice. great taste in practically everything. usually quiet but will talk a lot when you like the same things. give honest criticism. not scared to challenge the majority. prefer curling up in bed and binge watching shows and series over socializing. love more fictional people than real ones.

gemini (may 21 - june 20)

-great company. need time to themselves so don't think they're ignoring you. awkward but very chill when you get to know them. don't open up to other people often. sometimes irrational but will still fight you. realists who'll make sure you don't fly off the ground too much. can be very mean but are awesome friends when you're on their good side.

cancer (june 21 - july 22)

-good at almost everything !! love art, are art. nice to people that are mean to them. very affectionate and emotional. will never forget you. don't show that they're breaking. see the glass half full. complain a lot, but they won't give up even on the difficult things. don't half-ass anything.

leo (july 23 - august 22)

-competitive and humble. make good impressions. have a good sense of purpose. they know what they want. can be very stubborn. loyal friends. prefer style over comfort. respect and understand people's differences. like whatever's mainstream. react to others' opinions more than they share their own.

virgo (august 23 - september 22)

-gorgeous people. know their angles. usually like whatever's mainstream. not scared to voice out their opinions on social media. can be shady af. love hard and get hurt :( have lots of secrets but will keep yours. slightly forgetful. appreciate the little things. will take your food so beware. always. gorgeous. really.

libra (september 23 - october 22)

-will fight you and for you. always have a story to tell. should take their own advice. make funny faces. attached to everyone they know. complain a lot. have lots of friends but only trust a few. remember specific details. put the pro in procrastinator. very emotional. love so many fictional characters.

scorpio (october 23 - november 21)

-will fight for you. will lie to protect you from the truth. have some of the best ideas. friendships with them definitely last. not easy to fool. have good judgment. don't like being the center of attention but can handle being in it. born leaders. have a hard time admitting their mistakes. realists.

sagittarius (november 22 - december 21)

-effortlessly funny. balls of energy. everybody loves them. don't care about what people think. very blunt, sometimes offensive. have original ideas. not easy to convince. when it comes to what they're wearing, comfort > style. are rarely sad and when they are, they don't show it. hate math with a passion.

capricorn (december 22 - january 19)

-have a strong personality. aren't afraid to voice out their opinions. often misunderstood and slightly hard to approach. have very corny jokes and love making puns. very stylish. awkward when things get emotional but won't leave you. can be offensive sometimes. always grateful, even for things you did way back.

aquarius (january 20 - february 18)

-very sociable. starting conversations is so easy for them. don't mind the attention. sometimes inconsistent with their stories. the perfect people to call when you want to hang out or go somewhere. can stay awake the whole night but can also sleep all day. are usually very street smart.

pisces (february 19 - march 20)

-have hard exteriors but are actually very soft inside. actions > words. love their family so much. nice to those who are nice to them, mean to those who aren't. always have hilarious stories to share. like making people happy. love both sweets and salty snacks very much. don't want to let others down.

so the idea of these zodiac signs or astrological signs actually originated from the concepts of the first form of astrology which is the babylonian astrology. now i'm not going to shoot facts after facts because school has done enough of that already. but basically, since they still didn't have the means to accurately predict the future (like what will the weather be tomorrow??) and given the fact that before, they didn't really have proper systems so most of them probably didn't really have schedules (like: five am-wake up call; six am-pick up time yada yada), they relied on signs and omens. so this doesn't really have any scientific basis.

however, it's still being studied up to now and organizations have been doing shiz that idrk about. THERE IS SO MUCH HAPPENING IN OUR WORLD.

but anyway, HUGE DISCLAIMER ! ! i honestly don't understand these astrological things in depth. my knowledge is just to that ^^^ extent so if i said anything that isn't factual, please correct me. and if you want, educate me because this seems like a very interesting topic. also, i don't intend to offend anyone. i hope i didn't come off as ignorant. i'm sorry if i did :) i didn't mean to.

but the thing is, i came to the realization that putting people into categories isn't really going to assure that they'll all be the same because there were cases wherein i had more than one people to base a particular sign off and there were lotsss of differences. i kind of had a hard time pointing out similarities.

so here i am with the overstated (but still very important) message about everyone being unique in their own way. though i tackled this in a whole different way, i hope my message is clear. we. are. all. different. and slapping labels, whatever they may be, on other people is wrong. you're only allowed to define yourself and not other people. don't assume things about a person without getting actual confirmation from that person. respect begets respect !!

just remember that you don't have to limit yourselves to certain descriptions and traits. don't feel the need to compliment those things, just do you alright yehey

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