pocket-sized protests

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some of us have so much to say but are often held back. there's this certain feeling that keeps us from saying what we want to AND IT'S SO ANNOYING. we find ourselves restrained. we get worried about the reactions we could get from disagreeing with the majority. we raise our hands because everyone else's is even though we really don't want to. and it's sad to see that we've developed that kind of mentality.

but in defense, there are times you feel like you just can't right? sometimes it's just so hard to say no.

to start small, take for example teachers. they already give us so many assignments and projects, yet some still end up assigning us with extra tasks that we HAVE to accomplish within such a small period of time.

I THANK TEACHERS for trusting us, students, with all those tasks, but i feel like some of them don't understand how tired school itself—in its nature—is already stressful. WE HAVE TO FREAKING SIT IN CLASSES FOR APPROXIMATELY EIGHT HOURS SURROUNDED WITH (SOME) UNBEARABLE PEOPLE WHILE BEING FED WITH 100 FACTS PER HOUR.  yeah, i like learning, but it can get too much. there are days when we just want to breathe without having to worry about something we have to pass.

i find myself constantly thinking about something else while doing one thing. my mind is always occupied and divided, and i don't think i'm the only one. 

i feel like this generation is suffering from some biased opinions. we keep being told that everything is easier now, that because of technology we can do anything in just one click. BUT NO. we can't just copy and paste what we see on the first link that shows up on google. we can't really just go with that one picture on the first row. teachers have set standards that make things hard as well. 

so no, we don't have it easier.

on a larger scale, i see so many people agreeing on something because a particular person is for it. it could be their friend, relative, or a celebrity. i just don't understand why others can't make their own stand, or why some have to take a stand just for the sake of having one.

it's either you fight for what you believe in, or you don't fight at all.

let me go back to what this is really about.

pocket-sized protests.

we see things we don't like. bullying, for one, is very common, and although so many have spoken out about this, it's just not enough. YES, thank you for being brave enough to speak out on issues like that, but in a world like this—where people lack actual understanding and sensitivity—words won't suffice. we need actions. 

no, this doesn't necessarily mean rallying. (however, if you think that that is the way you can fully express your stand, then go you!) 

you can start small. instead of watching as someone gets bad-mouthed, step up and defend that person. really, please do. other people are just waiting for someone to take action  so they could follow through, so be that someone.

i, honestly, have been a bystander in the majority of my life. i've mostly been too scared to actually go against things i dislike, but i've also learned that doing so leads to good things.

a few weeks ago, my brother told me that he had a talk with my old classmate. he told me that the guy wanted to thank me for the "change" i caused in him. he said that because i always reminded him in sixth grade to stop being so disruptive and messy with his things, he learned to maintain decorum and order. he now wasn't getting reprimanded for being noisy.

now i know that this is such a small thing, but i never expected that my words would have that kind of effect. i tell you, such small of a thing can bring so much satisfaction. i never thought that the things i did in sixth grade would actually do something. here i am, four years later, receiving that kind of appreciation. my heart now feels so much warmer.

i think we should all go for that—and more.

if i may borrow a cliché line (well, originality is dead, right?) BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT IN THE WORLD.

yo don't even roll your eyes. let's face reality. this world's pretty fucked up so let's make it better.

okay yay woohoo peace out

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