Chapter Seven

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*Author's Note: This chapter contains a level of violence above what you have read thus far. Given where the last chapter left off you might be able to predict that this is going to get a bit gory.  :-/ Just thought I would give a small warning. The book can be continued by skipping to the next chapter if you are squeamish...



Rachel felt her heart race as the men brought her to the back room with the two boys. Like the rest of the building, the floor and walls were made of a cold grey concrete, but the ground dipped slightly in the center of the room where she could see a drain. The room was fairly bare with the exception of a few metal tables, metal tub, and a collection of chains and hooks that hung from the ceiling. Eyes scanning the space, she caught sight of a collection of metal pipes leaned up against the wall. Her heartbeat quickened when she looked more closely at another small table, and the glinting shine of an assortment of knives resting on it.

"Tie these two up," Ren said, handing off one of the boys to the assistant who held her own bonds. "We'll start with this one."

Brethan took Rachel's arms and slid the rope around her wrist through a hook on the wall. She winced as the sharp metal scraped against her skin. The slaver quickly did the same for the boy before forcing them both to sit, their arms hanging uncomfortably above their heads. Blood trickled down Rachel's wrists. Once Brethan made sure their bonds were secure and removed the noose-leads from their necks, he went to join his friend.

"Fat one, isn't he," Ren commented as he picked up on of the metal bars from its place again the wall and prodded their victim's stomach.

"Stop playin' around," his friend answered grumpily. "Go and get the bucket and knives. And tell Duran to bring in some boiled water for scalding. Don't want to work into the night and we gotta finish both carcasses."

"Alright alright," Ren laughed, putting the pipe down beside a metal table in the center of the room. "Wouldn't want you to be late for Kara."

"Awe shut up," Brethan snapped back. "Least I got myself a girlfriend. Best you can probably do is force yourself on some human slave."

Ren only shook his head and laughed. "I dunno," he said. "A pretty slave ain't half bad I hear tell. All that screaming and wriggling they do is supposed to be quite enjoyable. And they are certainly likely to be less demanding than any sibla woman I ever met. Specially your's."

"You're disgusting," Brethan shot back with a small snarl, "Just go get Duran," . Ren continued to laugh as he disappeared through the open door.

As soon as Ren left, Rachel watch as Brethan forced his victim into a metal tub already filled with water. Taking a knife from his belt he cut the rope around the boy's wrists.

"Clean yourself off," he commanded, handing the terrified boy a tin cup and a rough sponge. "Now." 

The boy hesitated and Brethan frowned.

 "Wash up or I'll do it for you!" he shouted.

 In one swift motion, he pushed the boy down to his knees. Hand on the boy's neck, he forced his head under the water. His victim thrashed wildly as he struggled for breath.

"Hey!" Ren shouted as he appeared at the door again. "Don't drown him. We'll never bleed that thing properly if he's already dead."

The other released the boy coughing and sputtering from beneath the water.

"I was just making a point," Brethan said. "Now wash!"

The boy struggled to a seated position and began scrubbing his skin in earnest. Rachel could see him shivering.

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