Chapter Forty- Eight

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So...I know we have all been worried about him...But guess whose pov this chapter is from?!?!



    Flashes of light and color and sound had been dancing at Magnus's conscious for days now. Or was it weeks? He couldn't quite tell. Everything was still unclear but he had been fighting to surface from the unending dream keeping him from the waking world. He still could remember snippets. The sun, the pain in his head, the taste of brown dirt. Then the bed...

    He was in bed! In his own room. Torvald had been there. And Alice...He had to save Alice. She was in trouble.

    "The serum I gave him should take effect soon."

    A male voice. Unfamiliar.

    "He has been making great progress, but this will help lift the last of the fog from his mind. Full recovery will still take a bit longer, but I predict that he will truly wake today."

    He...the man meant him!

    "Thank you so much, Doctor."

    Torvald's voice followed by the closing of a door and the sound of footsteps. Magnus tried to open his eyes but they were too heavy. Blackness threatened to overtake him again.

    "Is there any improvement?"

    This time Magnus's mind focused more clearly. He knew the new voice well. That deep feminine voice.

    "No major change yet. He has been in and out of consciousness all day but the period's of lucidity are growing longer."

    Magnus tried to blink his eyes open. He could vaguely make out two shapes. One tall, one smaller and decidedly human.

    "Then you think he will wake soon?"

    "That is why I called for you. I wondered if your presence might..."

    "Alice." As his blurred vision focused Magnus saw her standing in the corner, coaxing the name from his lips. His brother's voice stopped in surprise.

"Oh, Alice!" Magnus called out again as her features became even clearer. He saw her hesitate, casting a quick glance at his brother. Torvald nodded his head.

    "Go to him, slave," he said. "Your Master is calling for you after all. I know you are relieved he is awake and well." A small hint of a genuine smile curled at the corner of his lip.

    "Thank you, Master," she replied, bowing her head to the man respectfully. But it was only a moment later that her poise dropped entirely as she practically ran to Magnus's side, eagerly taking the hand he held out to her.

    Magnus smiled, trying to ease her mind. There was so much fear in her eyes as she gazed at him, a look of true desperation. A pleading he had not seen since that fateful day when the authorities had arrested her. She was silently begging him to be alright with those intense grey eyes. He felt immense guilt in having caused such worry to his true friend.

    "Help me, Alice," Magnus said, forcing his own resolve. "I wish to stand."

    "You are certain you can?" she asked hesitantly, as if unable to believe he could truly have risen.

    Torvald was quickly at his side. "Allow me to aid her," he said. "We can't have you falling, brother."

    Magnus was grateful Torvald had not pushed the human woman aside. Perhaps the two had learned to co-exist during his prolonged illness. Or perhaps Torvald was merely humoring him, gladdened enough to see Magnus's recovery that he was willing to put up with the obsessive love he knew his brother held for an animal.

After HumanityOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora