Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Back to the present again. When last we left Rachel Sarah and Judith had said their goodbyes and told her they held no ill will towards her. They even gave her a present ( the necklace). Let's see how things are now....



In the days that past after Judith and Sarah disappeared from their midst Rachel tried her best to throw herself into the chores Alice assigned her. Though there were still a few who remained somewhat cold towards her, it seemed that Sarah and Judith's forgiveness had indeed helped the others accept her as a true member of their flock now. Rachel never took off the necklace and displayed it prominently as a talisman of protection, just in case.

Rachel was thankful that Kathryn seemed to have gone back to her normal cheerful self almost immediately. In fact, strange as it was, everything seemed to go back to normal. Only the black stone around her neck remained as a reminder that Judith and Sarah had existed. That they had been members of the flock. That they were gone.

Would she be forgotten just as easily one day? Rachel wondered. It was a disturbing thought and it plagued her mind. Even the summer's cheerful warmth and sunny skies that had taken over completely now, couldn't quite wipe the dark cloud that had settled in her mind since Judith and Sarah had been taken.

Choosing to forgo the slave hall after work one night, too tired and anxious to join the others, Rachel was surprised to find Alice already back at her cabin when she walked in. The old woman was sitting by the unlit fire, a book in her lap. She wasn't certain she wanted to be alone with Alice at the moment, but it seemed awkward to ignore her presence. Rachel walked to sit opposite her, taking out her own book and settling into her chair. Alice's looked up for a moment, as if she'd just noticed her.

"I'm surprised to see you back so early," she commented.

"I was tired," Rachel answered. She felt a hint of discomfort settle over her as Alice continued to stare.

"There is something more isn't there?"

Rachel looked up and met Alice's eye for a moment. The older woman's expression was thoughtful, not unkind, but her gaze was intent. Rachel looked away again.

"What is bothering you Rachel?" Alice asked.

Rachel hesitated. "I just..." she began. "They're gone."

"Sarah and Judith?"

Rachel nodded, feeling the tears form in her eyes. The older woman gave her a compassionate smile.

"It is always hard to lose those we care about," she said. "But death is a part of life."

"But they're just gone," Rachel protest, the tears slipping down her cheeks. "And its like they were never here at all."

"That is certainly not the case," Alice said. "We all must keep living, but that does not mean that the fallen among us are forgotten. You yourself wear Judith's necklace. You have not forgotten her."

Rachel took the black stone in her hand, rubbing her thumb along its smooth surface. "But one day he may kill me too," she said, choking back the despair she felt saying it out loud.

"And?" Alice replied.


Rachel stared at Alice incredulously. The comment so surprising as to stop her tears. "And I don't want to die!" she exclaimed. Wasn't that obvious?

    "What is so wonderful about life then?" Alice asked with a slight laugh. "The sheep that graze each day in the sun, the pigs that roll happily in the mud, what is the difference if they live ten days or one hundred? Every day will be the same until the end.

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