Chapter Thirty-Two

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Magnus and Alice are fighting and Magnus was set to head to Torvald's estate for a bit. Maybe some time apart will be good for them? I know some have asked about Torvald and wanted to know more about him. Get ready to meet him in the present timeline!

*Note: This chapter might be a bit rough in spots and need more smoothing out. Let me know if any spots feel a bit clunky ;-)



    It was always strange coming back to his family estate since his father's death. There were so many memories, both good and bad, haunting the grounds and every corner of his former home. But the midsummer festivities on the Kendrick estate were a tradition that had begun when his grandfather had first built a home there and established a small flock. It was a celebration Torvald had maintained year after year since inheriting the land and there was no excuse he might have made to avoid attendance even if he'd wanted to.

But in spite of the mixed feelings he had engaging with his family, Magnus did enjoy the chance to abandon his relatively solitary existence for a bit of companionship and camaraderie. It was also one one of the only times of the year when Magnus had the chance to see all of his nieces and nephews. He'd never had children of his own and spending time with his brother's offspring was an experience he cherished.

In the echo of Torvald's children's happy squeals he imagined his own childhood, running freely in the fields, his younger sibling chasing after him, determined to never be left behind by the brother he idolized. Of course, that was a long time ago now. Though he and his brother still cared for each other, they had evolved to be quite different in many respects with disparate views on a variety of issues.

Torvald's success and Magnus's initial struggle to establish himself as a businessman outside of his family holdings had made his younger brother more apt to act in a condescending manner that was often grating, especially now that he too had created a viable name for himself. Even years after his farm had taken off Torvald refused to accept Magnus's successes as viable, often prodding at his business choices in attempts to "improve" upon them.

This attitude coupled with the politics of many of the friends Torvald always invited to his summer festivities had made the event somewhat tiring for Magnus thus far and he was grateful to have escaped, if only for a moment, to wonder the grounds free to be with his own thoughts. In the quiet of morning, most were back at the main house enjoying a leisurely brunch and chatting before the main event of the evening banquet. The rest were focused on preparing it. No one would notice his absence for some time.

    As he wandered the familiar foot tread paths through grass, Magnus found his thoughts drifting to Alice. He'd left her in power unofficially while he was away. Of course leaving a human as sole overseer was as impossible as leaving a cow in charge, but the sibla man he employed to run the estate in his absence knew well enough Magnus's treatment of Alice. The man was only there to take care of the other animals and help direct the sibla servants Magnus employed. He would allow Alice and her flock to go about their own business unbothered as instructed. Still, Magnus didn't like leaving Alice alone for long.

    If anything were to happen in his absence and sibla authorities became involved, she would be powerless to take any semblance of control. In spite of her strength and competence, her position was entirely dependent on his command, unfair as that might be. He hated the idea of leaving her and the other humans of his flock so vulnerable. Moreover, he and Alice were still fighting. It left him uneasy and guilty.

Running over the past few weeks in his mind, Magnus could not help but feel regret. Alice had always been slow to trust and it had taken years to convince her of his true commitment to her position on his estate. Now she was angry with him and worse, she had pushed him to level of anger that had caused him to say things he didn't mean. Things that might once again drive a wedge of distrust between them. But though he was resentful of her recent attitude, in the end, he knew it was all his fault. The problems had only begun after he'd returned with Rachel.

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