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Me watching the Death Cure in 2018: ♪I imagine death so much it feels more like a memory♪


The first thing I asked was, "Where am I?"

My surroundings were foreign. The ceiling wasn't like that of the dorm we were in before, or the one in my hospital room, which caused me to panic. My heart, already thudding hard from whatever I had just experienced, only seemed to beat even more fiercely.

"She up?" a familiar voice questioned somewhat loudly. Newt's eyebrows raised as he looked in that direction.

"Yeah, she's awake," he replied. "And she seems fine."

"Welcome to the land of the living, hermana!" the same voice exclaimed, which automatically led me to recognize the source as Jorge. Why the hell was Jorge with us?

"Can someone tell me where I am?" I questioned in a slightly harsh tone. My head hurt faintly from the intense things I had just seen, causing me to be more irritable than usual.

"You're in a Berg," Brenda's voice responded. "Don't ask too many questions- we don't really know what just happened, either."

A Berg?

"Hold up." I sat up quickly, but my skull pulsed with pain, causing my hand to fly up and massage my temples. Newt automatically reached out to support me in case my arm gave out. "Whoa, okay. Ow. How'd we get here?"

"Ah..." Jorge chuckled uneasily from the pilot's chair. "Let's not focus on the details."

"It was awesome!" Minho exclaimed loudly, sending another stab of agony to my brain. "We had this huge battle, and then we tried to find you but we got lost, and then it turned out that this other guy was on our side, and then he brought you here, and then--"

"Minho," Newt cut him off sternly. "I think you're about to make her head explode."

Minho shrugged. "It was cool. If only you had been awake for it."

My face screwed up in pain again at the flood of information that had been thrown at me, just like Newt had advised against. I was about to ask another question, but figured I was in too much pain to care enough about the response I'd get.

"Wh..." I trailed off, my eyes blinking softly and trailing around the Berg. "Where's Thomas?"

Before anyone could answer, I took the time to carefully analyze my surroundings. The Berg was much less nice than the one I had been in before. A few ragtag couches that looked close to falling apart were pushed up against one of the walls, blankets carelessly thrown across them. I wasn't sure what room we were in or why; all that I really cared about was where my brother was.

"Snoozin' over there." Minho pointed behind me. I turned around to see his sleeping form sprawled out along a cot, limbs awkwardly positioned.

"He got electrocuted," Newt explained in a gentle tone, "but he'll be okay."

"He what?" I demanded sharply, which only brought another burst of pain to my skull. I ignored it and searched Newt's eyes to silently ask him for an explanation.

"Those Launchers really do hurt," Brenda half-joked with a sympathetic grin on her face. "I got nailed with one, too."

I winced. "Ouch."

But Brenda's small piece of information made me wonder what exactly went down while I was unconscious, and how I managed to sleep through the whole thing. Whatever medicine they gave me must have--

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