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Gally: Hey, I lost someone. Can I make an announcement?

Store Clerk: Yeah, sure.

Gally, leaning into the microphone: Goodbye, Thomas, you piece of shit.


My body went cold. The guards had been there minutes prior, but now there was no trace of them, not even footprints on the dirt-dusted cement. I felt my stomach lurch; where could they have gone? And did they just abandon us even after Brenda's promise to raise the price?

Brenda leaned down, grabbed my hand, and heaved me to my feet. I could barely aid her from how stiff I was. It was as if the breath had been knocked from me. How could I not have noticed them leave?

"Come on." Thomas began walking toward the open mass of Cranks outside the bowling alley. The amount seemed to have tripled since we went inside, with people milling about at every turn. I felt my chest squeeze as if it was caving in. I wasn't claustrophobic, but in that moment, I wanted nothing more than to flee the surrounding area.

"Look at these jokers," a voice sneered.

"Yeah, ain't they pretty!" another taunted loudly. "Come to play with the Cranks. Or are you on your way to joining us?"

With Brenda still holding tightly onto my arm, I turned and searched for the others. Thomas was still leading us with a seemingly determined stride. But Minho was in the middle, eyes glazed over and lips parted in shock as if he wasn't seeing the mob surrounding us. My heart ached in sympathy for him. Even until the inevitable end of their friendship the meeting brought about, he still had hope. Blindly, maybe, but it was hard to blame him.

Garret was tailing Minho. Jorge made up the caboose of our train, lips pulled into a thin line.

We passed under the gate that marked the end of the Central Zone. Only then did the tightness in my chest lighten up, allowing more breath to enter my lungs. I felt slightly better once the crowds began to diminish.

Thomas led us down the main street, passing the rings of run-down houses. Brenda released my arm somewhere along the line. I slowed my pace so she passed me, then matched my footsteps with Minho's.

I knew words couldn't and wouldn't make him feel better, so I slipped my fingers into his and squeezed. The contact seemed to slip him from whatever stupor he'd been in; his gaze shifted to me as I gave him an encouraging nod. He merely swallowed uneasily.

But the moment was shattered by the sound of shouts from behind. Boots slamming on pavement made my ears perk up, and I turned to see the two guards sprinting toward us with identical expressions of fear on their faces. I noticed with a sickening feeling that their Launchers were gone.

"Run!" the one with the mustache commanded. "Run!"

Minho finally found his voice as they careened past us. "Hey! Get back here!"

The man turned his head just enough to yell, "I said run, you idiots! Come on!"

Thomas took off sprinting after them. I barely had time to swear under my breath before Minho was yanking my sleeve, forcing me along with him. My shorter legs were a blur as I struggled to keep up with the Runner's quick pace. It had been a long time since I'd had to move like that, and my heart struggled to keep up with the sudden strain.

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