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Alby: I'm going to Taco Bell, y'all want anything?

Chuck: I want my parents back

Alby: Yeah I got like 12 dollars


After the episode with the unnamed woman, the other people in the room either appeared like they wanted to stay close to us or as far away as possible. Minho led me to where Jorge and Brenda had taken seats near the door. It was as if they were waiting for someone to come in and give us the opportunity to break out.

Garret followed, but didn't sit. He leaned against the wall and crossed his ankles with his arms folded across his chest. It was like he was trying to keep himself distant from the other people in the room; I couldn't blame him.

I glanced down at my wrists, where they continued to pulse with an ache. Red imprints from the woman's fingers were forming on my skin. I rubbed them absentmindedly

"That lady was crazy," Minho declared, catching sight of the angry marks. I hastily hid them from view by crossing my arms.

"You already said that, Minho," I sighed.

"I know. Just felt the need to say it again."

The talk between Thomas and Teresa didn't last for much longer. Brenda nudged us and nodded to where he was beginning to walk toward us, an undetectable emotion on his face. I attempted to read through his mask. It was like he was struggling to keep up an indifferent façade. Teresa, however, had a flash of hurt in her expression as she watched him go.

So that went well.

Minho glared sharply at my brother as he plopped down beside us. "So what did that shuck traitor " – I elbowed him, causing him to change the course of that sentence – "she have to say?"

Thomas wrung his hands together nervously, resting his elbows on his knees to hide his anxiety. "She said that the reason they escaped was because they found out W.I.C.K.E.D plans to start all over again if they have to. That they were rounding up Immunes – just like Gally and Garret said. She swears that somehow they were led to believe that we'd already broken out and that they looked for us." He paused as if bracing for a reaction he knew was coming. "And she'd help us if she can."

Minho shook his head. "You're a slinthead. You shouldn't have talked to her."

"Thanks," Thomas said sarcastically as he rubbed his face in exasperation.

I glanced between them. "You're the slintheads. You wanna know the truth, ask Aris. Someone from Group B. Anyone else who was with her- see if they say the same thing she did."

My brother sighed. "Didn't think about that."

"Hate to barge in here, muchachos," Jorge barged in. "You can talk all day about this crap, but it means diddly unless we can get ourselves out of this nice little place. No matter who's on whose side."

Just as he finished, the door opened and three of our captors filed in, carrying large sacks stuffed to the brim with unknown substances. Another followed with a Launcher and a pistol. His gaze swept the room as if scanning for trouble, keeping us at bay as the other three started passing out bread and bottled water from the bags.

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