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As you know by now, I do not own The Maze Runner. What I do own is all of the disappointment in myself that I feel for not updating sooner.


I watched the group of four leave with a rock lodged between my ribs. The feeling I had wasn't good; it was like an impending danger was hovering over us. We were merely bugs that W.I.C.K.E.D could easily squash underfoot. And with our group reduced so much, it made things that much harder.

Thomas was the last person I said goodbye to. Our hug seemed to last forever, with my face nuzzled into his chest so firmly I could hardly breathe. I didn't mind in the slightest. His chin rested on top of my head, a gesture simple yet heartwarming.

"Be safe," I told him as I pulled back. He nodded solemnly. I could see it in his eyes that he was nervous, so I decided to ease his anxiety as best as I could. "Hey, I know that I'm clearly the stealthier one out of the two of us, but the least you can do is try not to blow your cover."

To my relief, he cracked a tiny smile. "I'll do my best."

"Alright, amigos," Jorge said. He was standing by the main door, finger hovering over the button to open it and extend the ramp. "We'd better get moving."

Minho patted Newt on the arm. We locked gazes accidentally; he gave me a small nod. Things were still slightly iffy between us, but at that point I could hardly remember why. All I knew was that every time I looked at him, I felt a small flare of hostility. But why? Why?

"See you later," Brenda piped up. I blinked. The door was open, ramp extended to the ground. Jorge must've already left, because he was nowhere to be seen. "Remember, stay mellow and nothing should happen. There's food in the fridge."

I nodded. "Thanks, Brenda."

She turned and headed out into the seemingly blinding sunlight. Minho and Thomas were the only ones left, both appearing like they couldn't wait to leave but wanted to stay at the same time.

"Go," Newt urged. His eyes were on the floor. "I shouldn't keep you. Go."

Minho's eyes were filled with sadness as he looked at his friend. I couldn't blame him; I felt it, too. He ultimately left, dragging Thomas behind him. I walked almost robotically toward the door, staying hidden in the shadows as Jorge pressed the remote that would lock us inside. He gave me a thumbs up before firmly pressing a button on the rectangular device. The ramp began to fold in on itself with a quiet hiss, darkness extending as it closed.

There were a few seconds of silence until I spoke. "I shouldn't keep you."

"What?" Newt asked. He had still been staring at the ground, but now he looked at me with his eyebrows furrowed.

"That's what you said," I elaborated. "You said, 'I shouldn't keep you.' Not 'we.'"

He shook his head. "I didn't mean to. I've been kinda spacey lately."

Though he tried his best to sound sincere, I knew he was bluffing. A stab of hurt went through me. Usually, there was nothing but honesty in our relationship. Lying was a foreign concept between the two of us. So why on earth did he feel the need to do it now?"

"Newt." My voice came out gentle yet firm, my eyes locking on his. "You know you can tell me anything. Whatever it is that's bugging you, I'll listen."

"Nothing is bugging me."

I wasn't about to push it lest he have another outburst like at the Gathering. If he didn't want to tell me, I might as well have accepted it. Maybe he would inform me of what he really meant later on.

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