Queen of the Lab

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"Y/N!" Hodgins yelled as he came into the lab you shared with him. Well, technically it was his lab, but you were his intern and Hodgins even made a little section for you in the corner. 

Right now you were examining a piece of evidence from a murder case that the Jerffersion was working on. "What do you want Jacky?" You asked looking up from your microscope. Hodgins gave you a deadpanned look because he still hadn't warmed up to the idea of you calling him Jacky, but you did it anyway. 

"Did you identify the soil sample I gave you?" He asked. 

"Yeah, in fact," You smirked. "This finding may make me King, I mean, Queen of the Lab. This soil sample is Entisol." 

"That finding hardly makes you Queen of the Lab. That's common soil." He said. 

"Yeah, but Entisol is very bad soil for farming, and wherever this soil is from, there is fertilizer in sample, and all fertilizer's have to have their mixtures put into a database, even the ones that farmers make up on their own, and it just so happens that this fertilizer is made up by an organic farmer named Harvey Ricker." 

Hodgins eyes glistened with excitement, he didn't even seem upset that you were Queen of the Lab. "Nice work Y/N/N, I'll go tell Booth." He said. "Nice work, I think I made the right choice of interns."

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