Return of the Gravedigger (Aubrey) Part 1

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"Leave me alone!" You yelled behind you as Aubrey followed you down the sidewalk, but he kept trailing you. 

"Y/N, hear me out!" He yelled after you. "She kissed me, I didn't kiss back, I swear." 

"But you didn't push her away, either." You turned yelling at him. "But it's not like we were ever a thing, so why I'm so angry is beyond me." 

You went to turned around to walk away, but Aubrey grabbed your wrist. "Hey," He spun you around so that you were facing him again. "This thing that we have.... is special, even if we haven't made it official." 

"Oh, if it was so special, why did you throw it away?" 

"It was just a bump, and I'm sorry, but I lo-" 

"Don't say it." You said yanking your hand away from him. "Don't you dare say those three words, because you don't mean them. Now, I just need some time to cool down. Okay?" 

"Fine, take your time, but you have to know, the kiss meant nothing." 

You sighed. "I want to believe that." 


As you walked home, you heard cars passing by you, but you didn't pay them much mind since it was DC and you were to preoccupied with Aubrey to focus on anything else. However, you didn't notice car stalking behind you. Before you knew what was happening you felt a huge electric current travel through your body making you fall to the ground. 

You woke up in pain and in darkness, and before you started to freak out you reached into your pocket and pulled out your phone and let the light shine. However, you noticed that you were in some sort of enclosed space, and just like that you knew what had happened. 


Bones and and Booth sat in the Royal Diner eating when Aubrey soon joined them. Booth noticed the mopy features on his face, and he didn't want to ask, but he knew if he didn't he would regret it later. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Y/N problems?" 

"What's wrong with my sister?" Bones said looking up from her notes. "Did she find out about you kissing that other girl? I told you that she would find out about it." 

"Yeah, and she's mad, really mad, I think I ruined it, ruined any chance I had with her." Aubrey sighed. 

"She'll forgive you, unlike me she relays on her emotions more, and she loves you." Bones said casually, but Aubrey and Booth both looked up shocked. 

"What?" Booth asked. 

"She told me about it the other day while we were having dinner together." She said just as casually, but when she looked up and saw their expressions, she realized her mistake. "Which she confided in me in secret." 

She was going to counter more, but her phone rang, and she picked it up. But as she listened her face fell and she grabbed Booths phone and put it up to hers, and the look on Booth's face he knew exactly what was going on. 

Bones put down both the phones, and her face paled. "What is it?" Aubrey asked seeing their horrored looks. 

Bones hit the play back button. "Hello Dr. Brennan, you may have thought that you had gotten rid of me, but you can never truly get rid of something that's part of you. You yourself have gotten buried alive, and your husband has also been close to death, and now I have taken your sister, Y/N. You have 24 hours to wire 2 million dollars to an off shore account that I will text to your phone, and when you do I will text you the coordinates to your sister's location. If you do not comply, your sister will suffocate to death." There was a pause. "The Gravedigger gives his regards." 

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