Evidence (Wendell)

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You sat petrified as your ears rang. All you had been doing was walking past a bank, and the next thing she knew she heard the loudest bang and you were flown backwards, hitting a car. The next thing that you realized was that you radiated pain. 

Your vision began to clear, and you saw smoke, fire, and debris, and you should have ran, but you couldn't make yourself move. Raising your shaking hands you saw that you were covered in blood and only God knows what else. 

Soon, sirens filled the air, and you were soon surrounded by paramedics, all of them asking questions, but none of which you understood. You were guided off the car, and lead to a gurney. 

However, your blank mind was filled with an odd voice. The voice wasn't pity or scared, but commanding. "You can't take her, she's evidence!" You turned your gaze to see a stern looking woman storming towards you and the paramedics. 

"She could be hurt!" The paramedic protested. 

"Whoever made that bomb put bone fragments in it that could help identify the bomber. She is covered in bone fragments." The lady stood before you looking you over with a cold analytical stare. 

"Not until we look her over." 

"I'm fine." You croaked out. "Please, I just want this off me." 

The woman nodded, and then yelled some things, and before you knew it you were being ushered off. 


You were wheeled into a large lab with people in blue and white lab coats walking around, but when they saw you, they stopped and stared. Hanging your head, you tried to hide you embarrassment. To make matters worse you were lead to a large platform that was in the middle of the lab for all eyes to see. 

"Excuse me?" You looked up to see a shy looking young guy with blonde hair and a white lab coat with the word 'Inter' on it. He gave a shy smile, the first smile you had received since the explosion. "I was told to retrieve the bone fragments, if that is okay with you." 

"Please." You said trying to sit still as he looked you over. 

"This may take a while." He muttered grabbing a tray and tweezers. Before he started he glanced up at you again with another smile. "I'm Wendell by the way. I thought if we were gonna spend this much time together, we should know each others names." 

Without trying, you smiled. "I'm Y/N." You replied. "And thanks for doing this." 

"It's my job." He replied curtly, but when he glanced up at you, he stood up and started stuttering.  "Not that I wouldn't do it anyway. It's just I'm usually doing this to dead people. I'm not used to the things on this table talking back to me. You're the prettiest thing that has every been on this table." 

A laugh escaped your lips, and you tried to hide your blush. "It's okay Wendell." You said. "So you deal with a lot of dead people?" 

"It's pretty much my entire job. There are a few fun experiments here and there, but I deal with bones." He said. "What about you?" 

"I'm a photographer for weddings, so you  can guess that I don't see many dead things." This made him laugh. 

You two went back and forth talking and soon most of the stuff was off you. Soon, you two were joined by a group of people in blue lab coats, the woman from earlier was one of them. "Mr. Bray are all the bone fragments off her?" She asked. 

"Almost Dr. B." He said. "Y/N, this is my teacher, Dr. Brennan, this is Dr. Sayraun, Dr. Hodgins, and Ms. Angela Montenegro." 

Angela looked at you sympathetically. "You poor thing." She said taking a wipe and she started to clean your face. "I can't believe you're holding yourself together." 

"Wendell has been very comforting." You respond giving him a smile, and this time he blushed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2017 ⏰

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