Grief Counseling (Sweets)

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"Mini," Your brother, Hodgins said, using your nickname that everyone called you. You got it because everyone called your brother, Jack, Hodgins, and it was Booth that ended up calling you Mini Hodgins, and so soon everyone started calling you Mini. "Sweets is looking for you." 

You rolled your eyes as you typed away on your tablet working on variables that Jack had given you for the predation on the flesh. "What does he need?" You asked angrily. As much as you loved all the people you worked with, Lance was the only person who got under your skin, and irritated you to no end. 

"Well, he's interviewed everyone else, and now it is your turn." He said. 

"I don't need an interview." You said callously. "I'm fine." 

Your brother looked at you sadly. "Y/N, Vincent was one of your closest friends, and now he's gone. You can't tell me your fine." He said gently pulling the tablet from your grasp, and making you face him. "I can see the underlying pain in your eyes, and talking to Sweets will help."

"He's just going to mock me, just like he always does." You said. "I don't need that right now." 

Jack sighed. "I swear he will be professional, besides this is mandatory. Now Sweets is expecting you at his office. Don't make me get Cam involved." 

You scrunched your nose and crossed your arms. "Fine, but if he says something that I don't like, than I am going to punch him." 

"Deal." Jack smiled. 


You reached the FBI, and you stopped outside Sweets' door. You debated on whether or not you should just turn around, but if you did, you knew you would be yelled at, so you knocked. "Come in." Sweets called out. 

Opening the door, you saw Sweets sitting behind his desk with a pile of papers in front of him. As soon as you walked in, he looked up looking surprised. He must not have thought you would have come. "Y/N, come, sit down. I'm glad you came." 

He was being overly sweet, and you didn't like that, you didn't trust that, but you obliged and took a seat on the couch, while Sweets stood up and took a seat across from you in the chair. "I was told it was mandatory." You grumbled as you picked at your nails, but as soon as Lance looked at them, you stopped. "Now, what do I have to say to get this over with?" 

Sweets sighed. "I know you don't like me, and if this makes you uncomfortable, I can get another psychologist for you to talk to." He said seriously. 

"That would just prolong this process, and I am not in the mood for this, so let me tell you. Yes, Vincent was one of my best friends, and yes he did die in my arms, and of course I'm broken up inside about it, but it is not effecting my work." You said quickly. 

"Of course it's not." Sweets said making you tilt your head. "You're not the type of person to let something traumatic effect your work because you are great at compartmentalizing. I believe that you can function perfectly, and not let your emotions cloud your work." 

"Than why do I need to be here?" You asked. 

Sweets leaned forward. "Because the death may not effect your work, but it is effecting your emotionally state, and if you don't talk about it, it will eat you up on the inside. That is why I am here, for you talk to me." 

There was a long silence. "What should I say?" You whispered. 

"Hodgins told me that you've had trouble sleeping. He said you wake up in the middle of the night screaming." You planned on payback for Jack later for telling Sweets that. "So why don't you tell me about your dream." 

There was no point in lying, so you nodded. "Every time I close my eyes, I see Vincent dying in my arms. However, his death is different each time. Last night he was burning, the other night he was beaten. It changes, but it's always horrible." 

"That's not surprising considering all the murders you see." Lance responded. "And this makes you wake up screaming?"

"Sometimes." You shrugged. "It usually happens when... when... another person dies." 

This seemed to get Sweets attention. "More people die in your dreams? Who?" 

"One time it was Dr. Brennan, another time it was Cam, Angela died a few times, but most of the time it is Jack." 

Sweets nodded. "And when they die, do they every say anything to you?" He asked. 

Your lip quivered, and nodded. "They say, 'It's your fault, Mini, you killed me.'" Lance must have saw that you were about to start crying, because he got up and joined you on the couch, and just as you started to sob, he pulled you into his chest. "It's my fault Vincent is dead, if I had just been quicker, or had stopped-" 

"It is not your fault, Y/N." Sweets said softly. "It is Broadsky's fault, he's the one who killed Vincent, not you, and there is nothing you could have done differently to save his life." 

"You don't know that." You sniffled. 

"No, but I do know that Vincent didn't die scared or alone because he had you, and that is one of the best things you could have given him." Sweets said. "Seeing your face, and knowing that you were there is enough to make anyone's death peaceful." 

You pulled back, and looked at Sweets, who handed you a tissue. "You really think that, don't you?" You asked wiping your tears. "I thought you hated everything about me?" 

Sweets pressed his lips together. "I don't ... I don't...hate you," He said stuttering. 

"Then why have you always treated me so coldly?" You asked. "Every since you started working with us, you are so sweet and nice to everyone, except me. What did I every do to you, to make you hate me so much?" This was something you wanted to ask for years, but never had the guts to ask, but since you were already feeling vulnerable you went for it. 

"I don't hate you, I act that way towards you because..." You waited patiently for the answer. "Because the moment I saw you, I knew if I got close to you, I would fall in love with you." Your mouth fell open, because out of all the answers, you weren't expecting this one. "No matter how hard I tried to stop myself from feeling this way, my feelings haven't changed. I know it's unprofessional, and that's why I haven't mentioned it before." 

"You love me?" You whispered not sure you heard right. "I spent the last couple of years cringing every time you came in because I thought you hated me, and now you're telling me it was because you were scared of liking me?" Sweets bit his cheek waiting for what was to come next, which he thought was going to be yelling, but instead you couldn't bring yourself to yell. "I should hate myself for not hating you right now." 

"But you don't?" He asked sounding as surprised as you. 

Your brain started to see Sweets in a different eye, and you liked what you saw. "I'm a bit hungry, do you want to go get some food together?" You asked. 

"What are the implications for this?" He asked. "Is this a meal with a friend, or is this a date?"

You smiled, the first smile you gave in a long time. "We'll see how it goes and then decide at the end." You said getting up. "Sound that good?" 

Sweets stood up too with a huge smile. "Sounds amazing... Mini."

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