Sex Goddess: A Lovely Seduction [5]

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The next day was a marking point in Kate’s sanity. Everywhere she went she felt someone watching her, but when she turned around no one was there. Finally, she saw Trevor at his locker on her way to English. She stopped and stared at him.

He turned slowly with the same smirk on his face. “Kate.”


He grinned at the sound of his name. “Come back to seduce me into naughtier things this time, love?”

Inside she cringed at his term of endearment. “I will if I have to, and do not call me ‘love’.”

Trevor closed his locker and took a step towards her. She took a precautionary step back and averted her eyes.

“It’s amazing how this works, isn’t it? I have to have eye contact to seduce and all you need to do is let it pour out of you. You’ve had lots of practice I suppose.”

She looked at the wall. “Not much. I guess it’s just because I’m better than you. Stronger.” She smiled at her bragging and noticed how out of character this behavior was for her. He was turning her into something she wasn’t. But she wasn’t sure if it was entirely terrible just yet.

“Possibly. Or maybe I have higher standards.”

She fumed at what he was trying to imply. “And mine are low? Like you could ever understand me.” She turned to walk off but he caught her by the arm. She snapped back around and was about an inch from his face. She couldn’t help but look in his eyes.

“Maybe I understand you more than you think, love.” His voice came out in a cold whisper. But his face showed no sign of the stress he put on his words. She shivered.

“Leave me alone.” She shook him off and walked back towards the class. Once she was around the corner she let herself breathe as raggedly as she wanted while in his grasp. Her breath came in short gasps and her chest felt tight.

Was this another one of his powers? Or was that just the affect he had on her?

Sex Goddess: A Lovely SeductionWhere stories live. Discover now