Sex Goddess: A Lovely Seduction [10]

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School was turning into an escape for Kate. Instead of dreading waking up early and sitting through classes she’d already attended, she had something to look forward to. Or maybe it was something she could wonder about.

Trevor had avoided her eyes in the hallway, and this confused Kate. She had thought that after yesterday, Trevor and her were friends at the least. So she tried her hardest to sneak up on him by his locker after lunch.

“You realize I can hear you, right?” He turned around and his smirk was as proud as ever. Kate blushed away some embarrassment.

“Why did you avoid me this morning?”

Trevor smiled and looked around at the bustling hallway. “Let’s go talk somewhere more private.”

~Kate’s POV~

He took my arm and pulled me around the corner to a janitor’s closet.

“You can stop dragging me everywhere ya know.” I shook his hand off.

The second the door was closed, Trevor grabbed me and attacked my lips. My body responded, while my mind flew in every direction. I pulled away just long enough to slap him hard across the face. He pressed his lips back to mine and a groan rumbled through his body. His left hand grasped my hip tightly, and instead of crying out in pain, the ache seeped into my bones and my fingers wound themselves into his hair. He took my sign of participation and shoved me up against the wall. His body pressed to mine in all the right spots, and I felt myself blush at the obviousness of his arousal. His lips moved to my neck and I gasped in breaths of air as he found my sweet spot and bit me slowly. I felt blood trickling from the wound, but felt no pain. Only intense pleasure.I grabbed his face between my hands and kissed him fiercely. His hands groped at my sides and down to my waist, past my hips and around my ass. He used the grip to pull me tightly against him.

We both heard the same noise at the same time.

The janitor pushing his trash cart down the hallway. We jumped out and shut the door behind us right as he came around the corner. I was gasping for air, but saw that everyone had gone to class. I stood up and looked at Trevor. He was staring at the ground intently. “Trevor?”

He lifted his head up. He looked at my neck and brushed his fingers against where he had bitten. “See you later.” He turned and walked briskly down the hallway.

My body was still pulsing with sexual energy, and tingling from the intensity of our encounter. I decided to skip class.


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